 * img4.c
 * Functions for handling the IMG4 format
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Nikias Bassen. All Rights Reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "common.h"
#include "img4.h"

#define ASN1_PRIVATE 0xc0
#define ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG 0x1f
#define ASN1_CONSTRUCTED 0x20
#define ASN1_SEQUENCE 0x10
#define ASN1_SET 0x11
#define ASN1_IA5_STRING 0x16
#define ASN1_OCTET_STRING 0x04
#define ASN1_INTEGER 0x02
#define ASN1_BOOLEAN 0x01

#define IMG4_MAGIC "IMG4"
#define IMG4_MAGIC_SIZE 4

static int asn1_calc_int_size(uint64_t value)
	int i = 1;
	while ((value >>= 7) != 0) i++;
	return i;

static void asn1_write_int_value(unsigned char **p, uint64_t value, int size)
	int value_size = (size > 0) ? size : asn1_calc_int_size(value);
	int i = 0;
	for (i = 1; i <= value_size; i++) {
		(*p)[value_size-i] = value & 0xFF;
		value >>= 8;
	*p += value_size;

static void asn1_write_size(unsigned int size, unsigned char** data, unsigned int *data_size)
	unsigned int off = 0;

	// first, calculate the size
	if (size >= 0x1000000) {
		// 1+4 bytes length
		(*data)[off++] = 0x84;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 24) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 16) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = size & 0xFF;
	} else if (size >= 0x10000) {
		// 1+3 bytes length
		(*data)[off++] = 0x83;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 16) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = size & 0xFF;
	} else if (size >= 0x100) {
		// 1+2 bytes length
		(*data)[off++] = 0x82;
		(*data)[off++] = (size >> 8) & 0xFF;
		(*data)[off++] = (size & 0xFF);
	} else if (size >= 0x80) {
		// 1+1 byte length
		(*data)[off++] = 0x81;
		(*data)[off++] = (size & 0xFF);
	} else {
		// 1 byte length
		(*data)[off++] = size & 0xFF;

	*data += off;
	*data_size += off;

static void asn1_write_element_header(unsigned char type, unsigned int size, unsigned char** data, unsigned int *data_size)
	unsigned int off = 0;

	if (!type || size == 0 || !data || !data_size) {

	(*data)[off++] = type;
	*data += off;

	asn1_write_size(size, data, &off);

	*data_size += off;

static unsigned char* asn1_create_element_header(unsigned char type, unsigned int size, unsigned char** data, unsigned int *data_size)
	unsigned char buf[6];
	unsigned int off = 0;

	if (!type || size == 0 || !data || !data_size) {
		return NULL;

	buf[off++] = type;

	unsigned char* p = &buf[off];
	asn1_write_size(size, &p, &off);

	*data = malloc(off);
	memcpy(*data, buf, off);
	*data_size = off;

	return *data;

static void asn1_write_priv_element(unsigned char **p, unsigned int *length, unsigned int value)
	int i = 0;
	int ttag = 0;
	int tag = value;

	i |= (0xFF & ASN1_PRIVATE);

	(*p)[0] = i | ASN1_PRIMITIVE_TAG;
	*p += 1;
	*length += 1;

	for (i = 0, ttag = tag; ttag > 0; i++)
            ttag >>= 7;
        ttag = i;
        while (i-- > 0) {
            (*p)[i] = tag & 0x7f;
            if (i != (ttag - 1))
                (*p)[i] |= 0x80;
            tag >>= 7;
        *p += ttag;
	*length += ttag;

static void asn1_write_element(unsigned char **p, unsigned int *length, unsigned char type, void *data, int data_len)
	unsigned int this_len = 0;
	switch (type) {
	case ASN1_IA5_STRING: {
		char *str = (char*)data;
		size_t len = (data_len < 0) ? strlen(str) : data_len;
		asn1_write_element_header(type, len, p, &this_len);
		*length += this_len;
		memcpy(*p, str, len);
		*p += len;
		*length += len;
	}	break;
		asn1_write_element_header(type, data_len, p, &this_len);
		*length += this_len;
		memcpy(*p, data, data_len);
		*p += data_len;
		*length += data_len;
	}	break;
	case ASN1_INTEGER: {
		uint64_t value = *(uint64_t*)data;
		int value_size = asn1_calc_int_size(value);
		asn1_write_element_header(type, value_size, p, &this_len);
		*length += this_len;
		asn1_write_int_value(p, value, value_size);
		*length += value_size;
	}	break;
	case ASN1_BOOLEAN: {
		unsigned int value = *(unsigned int*)data;
		asn1_write_element_header(type, 1, p, &this_len);
		*length += this_len;
		asn1_write_int_value(p, value ? 0xFF : 0x00, 1);
		*length += 1;
	}	break;
		asn1_write_element_header(type, data_len, p, &this_len);
		*length += this_len;
		if (data && data_len > 0) {
			memcpy(*p, data, data_len);
			*p += data_len;
			*length += data_len;
	}	break;
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: type %02x is not implemented", __func__, type);

static unsigned int asn1_get_element(const unsigned char* data, unsigned char* type, unsigned char* size)
	unsigned int off = 0;

	if (!data)
		return 0;

	if (type)
		*type = data[off++];
	if (size)
		*size = data[off++];

	return off;

static const unsigned char *asn1_find_element(unsigned int index, unsigned char type, const unsigned char* data)
	unsigned char el_type = 0;
	unsigned char el_size = 0;
	unsigned int off = 0;

	// verify data integrity
	if (data[off++] != (ASN1_CONSTRUCTED | ASN1_SEQUENCE))
		return NULL;

	// check data size
	switch (data[off++]) {
	case 0x84:
		off += 4;
	case 0x83:
		off += 3;
	case 0x82:
		off += 2;
	case 0x81:
		off += 1;

	// find the element we are searching
	for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
		off += asn1_get_element(&data[off], &el_type, &el_size);
		if (i == index)
		off += el_size;

	// check element type
	if (el_type != type)
		return NULL;

	return &data[off];

const char *_img4_get_component_tag(const char *compname)
	struct comp_tags {
		const char *comp;
		const char *tag;
	const struct comp_tags component_tags[] = {
		{ "ACIBT", "acib" },
		{ "ACIWIFI", "aciw" },
		{ "Alamo", "almo" },
		{ "ANE", "anef" },
		{ "AOP", "aopf" },
		{ "Ap,HapticAssets", "hpas" },
		{ "AppleLogo", "logo" },
		{ "AudioCodecFirmware", "acfw" },
		{ "AVE", "avef" },
		{ "BatteryCharging", "glyC" },
		{ "BatteryCharging0", "chg0" },
		{ "BatteryCharging1", "chg1" },
		{ "BatteryFull", "batF" },
		{ "BatteryLow0", "bat0" },
		{ "BatteryLow1", "bat1" },
		{ "BatteryPlugin", "glyP" },
		{ "CFELoader", "cfel" },
		{ "Dali", "dali" },
		{ "DCP", "dcpf" },
		{ "DeviceTree", "dtre" },
		{ "Diags", "diag" },
		{ "EngineeringTrustCache", "dtrs" },
		{ "ftap", "ftap" },
		{ "ftsp", "ftsp" },
		{ "GFX", "gfxf" },
		{ "Hamm", "hamf" },
		{ "Homer", "homr" },
		{ "iBEC", "ibec" },
		{ "iBoot", "ibot" },
		{ "iBootData", "ibdt" },
		{ "iBootTest", "itst" },
		{ "iBSS", "ibss" },
		{ "InputDevice", "ipdf" },
		{ "ISP", "ispf" },
		{ "KernelCache", "krnl" },
		{ "LeapHaptics", "lphp" },
		{ "Liquid", "liqd" },
		{ "LLB", "illb" },
		{ "LoadableTrustCache", "ltrs" },
		{ "LowPowerWallet0", "lpw0" },
		{ "LowPowerWallet1", "lpw1" },
		{ "LowPowerWallet2", "lpw2" },
		{ "MacEFI", "mefi" },
		{ "Multitouch", "mtfw" },
		{ "NeedService", "nsrv" },
		{ "OS", "OS\0\0" },
		{ "OSRamdisk", "osrd" },
		{ "PersonalizedDMG", "pdmg" },
		{ "PEHammer", "hmmr" },
		{ "PERTOS", "pert" },
		{ "PHLEET", "phlt" },
		{ "PMP", "pmpf" },
		{ "RBM", "rmbt" },
		{ "Rap,SoftwareBinaryDsp1", "sbd1" },
		{ "Rap,RTKitOS", "rkos" },
		{ "Rap,RestoreRTKitOS", "rrko" },
		{ "RecoveryMode", "recm" },
		{ "RestoreDCP", "rdcp" },
		{ "RestoreDeviceTree", "rdtr" },
		{ "RestoreKernelCache", "rkrn" },
		{ "RestoreLogo", "rlgo" },
		{ "RestoreRamDisk", "rdsk" },
		{ "RestoreSEP", "rsep" },
		{ "RestoreTrustCache", "rtsc" },
		{ "rfta", "rfta" },
		{ "rfts", "rfts" },
		{ "RTP", "rtpf" },
		{ "SCE", "scef" },
		{ "SEP", "sepi" },
		{ "SIO", "siof" },
		{ "StaticTrustCache", "trst" },
		{ "SystemLocker", "lckr" },
		{ "WCHFirmwareUpdater", "wchf" },
		{ NULL, NULL }
	int i = 0;

	while (component_tags[i].comp) {
		if (!strcmp(component_tags[i].comp, compname)) {
			return component_tags[i].tag;

	return NULL;

int img4_stitch_component(const char* component_name, const unsigned char* component_data, unsigned int component_size, const unsigned char* blob, unsigned int blob_size, unsigned char** img4_data, unsigned int *img4_size)
	unsigned char* magic_header = NULL;
	unsigned int magic_header_size = 0;
	unsigned char* blob_header = NULL;
	unsigned int blob_header_size = 0;
	unsigned char* img4header = NULL;
	unsigned int img4header_size = 0;
	unsigned int content_size;
	unsigned char* outbuf;
	unsigned char* p;

	if (!component_name || !component_data || component_size == 0 || !blob || blob_size == 0 || !img4_data || !img4_size) {
		return -1;

	info("Personalizing IMG4 component %s...\n", component_name);
	/* first we need check if we have to change the tag for the given component */
	const void *tag = asn1_find_element(1, ASN1_IA5_STRING, component_data);
	if (tag) {
		debug("Tag found\n");
		if (strcmp(component_name, "RestoreKernelCache") == 0) {
			memcpy((void*)tag, "rkrn", 4);
		} else if (strcmp(component_name, "RestoreDeviceTree") == 0) {
			memcpy((void*)tag, "rdtr", 4);
		} else if (strcmp(component_name, "RestoreSEP") == 0) {
			memcpy((void*)tag, "rsep", 4);
		} else if (strcmp(component_name, "RestoreLogo") == 0) {
			memcpy((void*)tag, "rlgo", 4);
		} else if (strcmp(component_name, "RestoreTrustCache") == 0) {
			memcpy((void*)tag, "rtsc", 4);

	// create element header for the "IMG4" magic
	asn1_create_element_header(ASN1_IA5_STRING, IMG4_MAGIC_SIZE, &magic_header, &magic_header_size);
	// create element header for the blob (ApImg4Ticket)
	asn1_create_element_header(ASN1_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC|ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, blob_size, &blob_header, &blob_header_size);

	// calculate the size for the final IMG4 file (asn1 sequence)
	content_size = magic_header_size + IMG4_MAGIC_SIZE + component_size + blob_header_size + blob_size;

	// create element header for the final IMG4 asn1 blob
	asn1_create_element_header(ASN1_SEQUENCE|ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, content_size, &img4header, &img4header_size);

	outbuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(img4header_size + content_size);
	if (!outbuf) {
		if (magic_header) {
		if (blob_header) {
		if (img4header) {
		error("ERROR: out of memory when personalizing IMG4 component %s\n", component_name);
		return -1;
	p = outbuf;

	// now put everything together
	memcpy(p, img4header, img4header_size);
	p += img4header_size;
	memcpy(p, magic_header, magic_header_size);
	p += magic_header_size;
	memcpy(p, IMG4_MAGIC, IMG4_MAGIC_SIZE);
	memcpy(p, component_data, component_size);
	p += component_size;
	memcpy(p, blob_header, blob_header_size);
	p += blob_header_size;
	memcpy(p, blob, blob_size);
	p += blob_size;

	*img4_data = outbuf;
	*img4_size = (p - outbuf);

	if (magic_header) {
	if (blob_header) {
	if (img4header) {

	return 0;

#ifndef __bswap_32
#define __bswap_32(x) ((((x) & 0xFF000000) >> 24) \
                    | (((x) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) \
                    | (((x) & 0x0000FF00) << 8) \
                    | (((x) & 0x000000FF) << 24))

void _manifest_write_key_value(unsigned char **p, unsigned int *length, const char *tag, int type, void *value, int size)
	uint32_t utag = __bswap_32(*(uint32_t*)tag);
	asn1_write_priv_element(p, length, utag);

	unsigned char *start = *p;
	unsigned char *outer_start = *p + 5;
	unsigned char *inner_start = *p + 5 + 6;
	unsigned int inner_length = 0;
	asn1_write_element(&inner_start, &inner_length, ASN1_IA5_STRING, (void*)tag, -1);
	asn1_write_element(&inner_start, &inner_length, type, value, size);

	unsigned int outer_length = 0;
	unsigned int this_length = 0;
	if (!value && size > 0) {
		asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, inner_length + size, &outer_start, &outer_length);
		asn1_write_size(outer_length + inner_length + size, &start, &this_length);
	} else {
		asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, inner_length, &outer_start, &outer_length);
		asn1_write_size(outer_length + inner_length, &start, &this_length);

	memmove(start, outer_start - outer_length, outer_length);
	outer_start = start + outer_length;
	*length += this_length;
	*length += outer_length;

	memmove(outer_start, inner_start - inner_length, inner_length);
	*length += inner_length;

	*p += this_length + outer_length + inner_length;

void _manifest_write_component(unsigned char **p, unsigned int *length, const char *tag, plist_t comp)
	uint32_t utag = __bswap_32(*(uint32_t*)tag);
	asn1_write_priv_element(p, length, utag);

	unsigned char *start = *p;
	unsigned char *outer_start = *p + 5;
	unsigned char *inner_start = *p + 5 + 6;
	unsigned int inner_length = 0;
	asn1_write_element(&inner_start, &inner_length, ASN1_IA5_STRING, (void*)tag, -1);

	unsigned char tmp_[512] = { 0, };
	unsigned int tmp_len = 0;
	unsigned char *tmp = &tmp_[0];

	plist_t node = NULL;
	uint8_t boolval = 0;

	node = plist_dict_get_item(comp, "Digest");
	if (node) {
		char *digest = NULL;
		uint64_t digest_len = 0;
		plist_get_data_val(node, &digest, &digest_len);
		if (digest_len > 0) {
			_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "DGST", ASN1_OCTET_STRING, digest, digest_len);

	node = plist_dict_get_item(comp, "Trusted");
	if (node) {
		boolval = 0;
		plist_get_bool_val(node, &boolval);
		unsigned int int_bool_val = boolval;
		_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "EKEY", ASN1_BOOLEAN, &int_bool_val, -1);

	node = plist_dict_get_item(comp, "EPRO");
	if (node) {
		boolval = 0;
		plist_get_bool_val(node, &boolval);
		unsigned int int_bool_val = boolval;
		_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "EPRO", ASN1_BOOLEAN, &int_bool_val, -1);

	node = plist_dict_get_item(comp, "ESEC");
	if (node) {
		boolval = 0;
		plist_get_bool_val(node, &boolval);
		unsigned int int_bool_val = boolval;
		_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "ESEC", ASN1_BOOLEAN, &int_bool_val, -1);

	node = plist_dict_get_item(comp, "TBMDigests");
	if (node) {
		char *data = NULL;
		uint64_t datalen = 0;
		plist_get_data_val(node, &data, &datalen);
		const char *tbmtag = NULL;
		if (!strcmp(tag, "sepi")) {
			tbmtag = "tbms";
		} else if (!strcmp(tag, "rsep")) {
			tbmtag = "tbmr";
		if (!tbmtag) {
			error("ERROR: Unexpected TMBDigests for comp '%s'\n", tag);
		} else {
			_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, tbmtag, ASN1_OCTET_STRING, data, datalen);

	asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SET | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, tmp_len, &inner_start, &inner_length);
	memcpy(inner_start, tmp_, tmp_len);
	inner_start += tmp_len;
	inner_length += tmp_len;

	unsigned int outer_length = 0;
	asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, inner_length, &outer_start, &outer_length);

	unsigned int this_length = 0;
	asn1_write_size(outer_length + inner_length, &start, &this_length);

	memmove(start, outer_start - outer_length, outer_length);

	outer_start = start + outer_length;
	*length += this_length;
	*length += outer_length;

	memmove(outer_start, inner_start - inner_length, inner_length);

	*length += inner_length;

	*p += this_length + outer_length + inner_length;

int img4_create_local_manifest(plist_t request, plist_t* manifest)
	if (!request || !manifest) {
		return -1;

	unsigned char *buf = calloc(1, 65536);
	unsigned char *p = buf;
	unsigned int length = 0;
	uint64_t uintval = 0;
	unsigned int boolval = 0;
	char *strval = NULL;
	plist_t node = NULL;

	unsigned char tmp_[1024];
	unsigned char *tmp = &tmp_[0];
	unsigned int tmp_len = 0;

	/* write manifest properties */
	uintval = _plist_dict_get_uint(request, "ApBoardID");
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "BORD", ASN1_INTEGER, &uintval, -1);

	uintval = 0;
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "CEPO", ASN1_INTEGER, &uintval, -1);

	uintval = _plist_dict_get_uint(request, "ApChipID");
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "CHIP", ASN1_INTEGER, &uintval, -1);

	boolval = _plist_dict_get_bool(request, "ApProductionMode");
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "CPRO", ASN1_BOOLEAN, &boolval, -1);

	boolval = 0;
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "CSEC", ASN1_BOOLEAN, &boolval, -1);

	uintval = _plist_dict_get_uint(request, "ApSecurityDomain");
	_manifest_write_key_value(&tmp, &tmp_len, "SDOM", ASN1_INTEGER, &uintval, -1);

	/* create manifest properties set */
	_manifest_write_key_value(&p, &length, "MANP", ASN1_SET | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, tmp_, tmp_len);

	/* now write the components */
	plist_dict_iter iter = NULL;
	plist_dict_new_iter(request, &iter);
	char *key = NULL;
	plist_t val = NULL;
	do {
		plist_dict_next_item(request, iter, &key, &val);
		if (val && plist_get_node_type(val) == PLIST_DICT) {
			const char *comp = _img4_get_component_tag(key);
			if (!comp) {
				error("ERROR: %s: Unhandled component '%s' - can't create manifest\n", __func__, key);
				return -1;
			debug("DEBUG: found component %s (%s)\n", comp, key);
			_manifest_write_component(&p, &length, comp, val);
	} while (val);

	/* write manifest body header */
	unsigned char manb_[32];
	unsigned char *manb = &manb_[0];
	unsigned int manb_len = 0;
	_manifest_write_key_value(&manb, &manb_len, "MANB", ASN1_SET | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, NULL, length);

	/* write inner set */
	unsigned char inner_set_[8];
	unsigned char *inner_set = &inner_set_[0];
	unsigned int inner_set_len = 0;
	asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SET | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, length + manb_len, &inner_set, &inner_set_len);

	/* write header values */
	unsigned char hdrdata_[16];
	unsigned char *hdrdata = &hdrdata_[0];
	unsigned int hdrdata_len = 0;
	asn1_write_element(&hdrdata, &hdrdata_len, ASN1_IA5_STRING, (void*)"IM4M", -1);
	uint64_t intval = 0;
	asn1_write_element(&hdrdata, &hdrdata_len, ASN1_INTEGER, &intval, -1);

	/* write outer sequence now that we know the entire size */
	unsigned char seq_[8];
	unsigned char *seq = &seq_[0];
	unsigned int seq_len = 0;
	asn1_write_element_header(ASN1_SEQUENCE | ASN1_CONSTRUCTED, inner_set_len + length + manb_len + hdrdata_len, &seq, &seq_len);

	unsigned int header_len = seq_len + hdrdata_len + inner_set_len + manb_len;

	/* now put everything together */
	memmove(buf + header_len, buf, length);

	unsigned char *hdr = buf;
	unsigned int hdr_len = 0;

	memcpy(hdr, seq_, seq_len);
	hdr += seq_len;
	hdr_len += seq_len;

	memcpy(hdr, hdrdata_, hdrdata_len);
	hdr += hdrdata_len;
	hdr_len += hdrdata_len;

	memcpy(hdr, inner_set_, inner_set_len);
	hdr += inner_set_len;
	hdr_len += inner_set_len;

	memcpy(hdr, manb_, manb_len);
	hdr += manb_len;
	hdr_len += manb_len;

	length += hdr_len;

	*manifest = plist_new_data((char*)buf, length);


	return 0;