# Third party components/libraries This folder contains third party components or libraries that are used within the libimobiledevice project. They have been bundled since they are either not readily available on the intended target platforms and/or have been modified. Their respective licenses are provided in each corresponding folder in a file called LICENSE. ## ed25519 Source: https://github.com/orlp/ed25519 Based on commit 7fa6712ef5d581a6981ec2b08ee623314cd1d1c4. [LICENCE](ed25519/LICENSE) The original source has not been modified, except that the file `test.c` and the contained DLL files have been removed. To allow building within libimobiledevice, a `Makefile.am` has been added. ## libsrp6a-sha512 Source: https://github.com/secure-remote-password/stanford-srp Based on commit 587900d32777348f98477cb25123d5761fbe3725. [LICENCE](libsrp6a-sha512/LICENSE) For the usage within libimobiledevice, only [libsrp](https://github.com/secure-remote-password/stanford-srp/tree/master/libsrp) has been used as a basis. It has been adapted to the needs of the libimobiledevice project, and contains just a part of the original code; it only supports the SRP6a client method which has been modified to use SHA512 instead of SHA1, hence the name was changed to `libsrp6a-sha512`. More details about the modifications can be found in [libsrp6a-sha512/README.md](libsrp6a-sha512/README.md).