/* * Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The Stanford SRP Authentication Project * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL STANFORD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER * RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT * OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Redistributions in source or binary form must retain an intact copy * of this copyright notice. */ #include "t_defines.h" #include "srp.h" #include "t_sha.h" /* * SRP-6/6a has two minor refinements relative to SRP-3/RFC2945: * 1. The "g^x" value is multipled by three in the client's * calculation of its session key. * SRP-6a: The "g^x" value is multiplied by the hash of * N and g in the client's session key calculation. * 2. The value of u is taken as the hash of A and B, * instead of the top 32 bits of the hash of B. * This eliminates the old restriction where the * server had to receive A before it could send B. */ /****************************/ #define SHA512_DIGESTSIZE 64 #define SRP6_SHA512_KEY_LEN 64 /* * The client keeps track of the running hash * state via SHA512_CTX structures pointed to by the * meth_data pointer. The "hash" member is the hash value that * will be sent to the other side; the "ckhash" member is the * hash value expected from the other side. */ struct sha512_client_meth_st { SHA512_CTX hash; SHA512_CTX ckhash; unsigned char k[SRP6_SHA512_KEY_LEN]; }; #define SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp) ((struct sha512_client_meth_st *)(srp)->meth_data) static SRP_RESULT srp6a_sha512_client_init(SRP * srp) { srp->magic = SRP_MAGIC_CLIENT; srp->flags = SRP_FLAG_MOD_ACCEL | SRP_FLAG_LEFT_PAD; srp->meth_data = malloc(sizeof(struct sha512_client_meth_st)); SHA512Init(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash); SHA512Init(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->ckhash); return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_finish(SRP * srp) { if(srp->meth_data) { memset(srp->meth_data, 0, sizeof(struct sha512_client_meth_st)); free(srp->meth_data); } return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_params(SRP * srp, const unsigned char * modulus, int modlen, const unsigned char * generator, int genlen, const unsigned char * salt, int saltlen) { int i; unsigned char buf1[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE], buf2[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]; SHA512_CTX ctxt; /* Fields set by SRP_set_params */ /* Update hash state */ SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, modulus, modlen); SHA512Final(buf1, &ctxt); /* buf1 = H(modulus) */ SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, generator, genlen); SHA512Final(buf2, &ctxt); /* buf2 = H(generator) */ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(buf1); ++i) buf1[i] ^= buf2[i]; /* buf1 = H(modulus) xor H(generator) */ /* hash: H(N) xor H(g) */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, srp->username->data, srp->username->length); SHA512Final(buf1, &ctxt); /* buf1 = H(user) */ /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) | s */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, salt, saltlen); return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_auth(SRP * srp, const unsigned char * a, int alen) { /* On the client, the authenticator is the raw password-derived hash */ srp->password = BigIntegerFromBytes(a, alen); /* verifier = g^x mod N */ srp->verifier = BigIntegerFromInt(0); BigIntegerModExp(srp->verifier, srp->generator, srp->password, srp->modulus, srp->bctx, srp->accel); return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_passwd(SRP * srp, const unsigned char * p, int plen) { SHA512_CTX ctxt; unsigned char dig[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]; int r; SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, srp->username->data, srp->username->length); SHA512Update(&ctxt, ":", 1); SHA512Update(&ctxt, p, plen); SHA512Final(dig, &ctxt); /* dig = H(U | ":" | P) */ SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, srp->salt->data, srp->salt->length); SHA512Update(&ctxt, dig, sizeof(dig)); SHA512Final(dig, &ctxt); /* dig = H(s | H(U | ":" | P)) */ memset(&ctxt, 0, sizeof(ctxt)); r = SRP_set_authenticator(srp, dig, sizeof(dig)); memset(dig, 0, sizeof(dig)); return r; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_genpub(SRP * srp, cstr ** result) { cstr * astr; int slen = (SRP_get_secret_bits(BigIntegerBitLen(srp->modulus)) + 7) / 8; if(result == NULL) astr = cstr_new(); else { if(*result == NULL) *result = cstr_new(); astr = *result; } cstr_set_length(astr, BigIntegerByteLen(srp->modulus)); t_random((unsigned char*)astr->data, slen); srp->secret = BigIntegerFromBytes((const unsigned char*)astr->data, slen); /* Force g^a mod n to "wrap around" by adding log[2](n) to "a". */ BigIntegerAddInt(srp->secret, srp->secret, BigIntegerBitLen(srp->modulus)); /* A = g^a mod n */ srp->pubkey = BigIntegerFromInt(0); BigIntegerModExp(srp->pubkey, srp->generator, srp->secret, srp->modulus, srp->bctx, srp->accel); BigIntegerToCstr(srp->pubkey, astr); /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) | s | A */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, astr->data, astr->length); /* ckhash: A */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->ckhash, astr->data, astr->length); if(result == NULL) /* astr was a temporary */ cstr_clear_free(astr); return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_key_ex(SRP * srp, cstr ** result, const unsigned char * pubkey, int pubkeylen, BigInteger k) { SHA512_CTX ctxt; unsigned char dig[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]; BigInteger gb, e; cstr * s; int modlen; modlen = BigIntegerByteLen(srp->modulus); if(pubkeylen > modlen) return SRP_ERROR; /* Compute u from client's and server's values */ SHA512Init(&ctxt); /* Use s as a temporary to store client's value */ s = cstr_new(); if(srp->flags & SRP_FLAG_LEFT_PAD) { BigIntegerToCstrEx(srp->pubkey, s, modlen); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, s->length); if(pubkeylen < modlen) { memcpy(s->data + (modlen - pubkeylen), pubkey, pubkeylen); memset(s->data, 0, modlen - pubkeylen); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, modlen); } else SHA512Update(&ctxt, pubkey, pubkeylen); } else { BigIntegerToCstr(srp->pubkey, s); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, s->length); SHA512Update(&ctxt, pubkey, pubkeylen); } SHA512Final(dig, &ctxt); srp->u = BigIntegerFromBytes(dig, SHA512_DIGESTSIZE); /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) | s | A | B */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, pubkey, pubkeylen); gb = BigIntegerFromBytes(pubkey, pubkeylen); /* reject B == 0, B >= modulus */ if(BigIntegerCmp(gb, srp->modulus) >= 0 || BigIntegerCmpInt(gb, 0) == 0) { BigIntegerFree(gb); cstr_clear_free(s); return SRP_ERROR; } e = BigIntegerFromInt(0); srp->key = BigIntegerFromInt(0); /* unblind g^b (mod N) */ BigIntegerSub(srp->key, srp->modulus, srp->verifier); /* use e as temporary, e == -k*v (mod N) */ BigIntegerMul(e, k, srp->key, srp->bctx); BigIntegerAdd(e, e, gb); BigIntegerMod(gb, e, srp->modulus, srp->bctx); /* compute gb^(a + ux) (mod N) */ BigIntegerMul(e, srp->password, srp->u, srp->bctx); BigIntegerAdd(e, e, srp->secret); /* e = a + ux */ BigIntegerModExp(srp->key, gb, e, srp->modulus, srp->bctx, srp->accel); BigIntegerClearFree(e); BigIntegerClearFree(gb); /* convert srp->key into a session key, update hash states */ BigIntegerToCstr(srp->key, s); SHA512Init(&ctxt); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, s->length); SHA512Final((unsigned char*)&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->k, &ctxt); cstr_clear_free(s); /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) | s | A | B | K */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->k, SRP6_SHA512_KEY_LEN); /* hash: (H(N) xor H(g)) | H(U) | s | A | B | K | ex_data */ if(srp->ex_data->length > 0) SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash, srp->ex_data->data, srp->ex_data->length); if(result) { if(*result == NULL) *result = cstr_new(); cstr_setn(*result, (const char*)SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->k, SRP6_SHA512_KEY_LEN); } return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_RESULT srp6a_sha512_client_key(SRP * srp, cstr ** result, const unsigned char * pubkey, int pubkeylen) { SRP_RESULT ret; BigInteger k; cstr * s; SHA512_CTX ctxt; unsigned char dig[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]; SHA512Init(&ctxt); s = cstr_new(); BigIntegerToCstr(srp->modulus, s); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, s->length); if(srp->flags & SRP_FLAG_LEFT_PAD) BigIntegerToCstrEx(srp->generator, s, s->length); else BigIntegerToCstr(srp->generator, s); SHA512Update(&ctxt, s->data, s->length); SHA512Final(dig, &ctxt); cstr_free(s); k = BigIntegerFromBytes(dig, SHA512_DIGESTSIZE); if(BigIntegerCmpInt(k, 0) == 0) ret = SRP_ERROR; else ret = srp6_sha512_client_key_ex(srp, result, pubkey, pubkeylen, k); BigIntegerClearFree(k); return ret; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_verify(SRP * srp, const unsigned char * proof, int prooflen) { unsigned char expected[SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]; SHA512Final(expected, &SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->ckhash); if(prooflen == SHA512_DIGESTSIZE && memcmp(expected, proof, prooflen) == 0) return SRP_SUCCESS; else return SRP_ERROR; } static SRP_RESULT srp6_sha512_client_respond(SRP * srp, cstr ** proof) { if(proof == NULL) return SRP_ERROR; if(*proof == NULL) *proof = cstr_new(); /* proof contains client's response */ cstr_set_length(*proof, SHA512_DIGESTSIZE); SHA512Final((unsigned char*)(*proof)->data, &SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->hash); /* ckhash: A | M | K */ SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->ckhash, (*proof)->data, (*proof)->length); SHA512Update(&SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->ckhash, SHA512_CLIENT_CTXP(srp)->k, SRP6_SHA512_KEY_LEN); return SRP_SUCCESS; } static SRP_METHOD srp6a_sha512_client_meth = { "SRP-6a sha512 client (tjw)", srp6a_sha512_client_init, srp6_sha512_client_finish, srp6_sha512_client_params, srp6_sha512_client_auth, srp6_sha512_client_passwd, srp6_sha512_client_genpub, srp6a_sha512_client_key, srp6_sha512_client_verify, srp6_sha512_client_respond, NULL }; _TYPE( SRP_METHOD * ) SRP6a_sha512_client_method() { return &srp6a_sha512_client_meth; }