/* * idevice.c * Device discovery and communication interface. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Zach C. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 Nikias Bassen. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <usbmuxd.h> #include <gnutls/gnutls.h> #include "idevice.h" #include "debug.h" static idevice_event_cb_t event_cb = NULL; static void usbmux_event_cb(const usbmuxd_event_t *event, void *user_data) { idevice_event_t ev; ev.event = event->event; ev.uuid = event->device.uuid; ev.conn_type = CONNECTION_USBMUXD; if (event_cb) { event_cb(&ev, user_data); } } /** * Register a callback function that will be called when device add/remove * events occur. * * @param callback Callback function to call. * @param user_data Application-specific data passed as parameter * to the registered callback function. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS on success or an error value when an error occured. */ idevice_error_t idevice_event_subscribe(idevice_event_cb_t callback, void *user_data) { event_cb = callback; int res = usbmuxd_subscribe(usbmux_event_cb, user_data); if (res != 0) { event_cb = NULL; debug_info("Error %d when subscribing usbmux event callback!", res); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Release the event callback function that has been registered with * idevice_event_subscribe(). * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS on success or an error value when an error occured. */ idevice_error_t idevice_event_unsubscribe() { event_cb = NULL; int res = usbmuxd_unsubscribe(); if (res != 0) { debug_info("Error %d when unsubscribing usbmux event callback!", res); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Get a list of currently available devices. * * @param devices List of uuids of devices that are currently available. * This list is terminated by a NULL pointer. * @param count Number of devices found. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS on success or an error value when an error occured. */ idevice_error_t idevice_get_device_list(char ***devices, int *count) { usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev_list; *devices = NULL; *count = 0; if (usbmuxd_get_device_list(&dev_list) < 0) { debug_info("ERROR: usbmuxd is not running!\n", __func__); return IDEVICE_E_NO_DEVICE; } char **newlist = NULL; int i, newcount = 0; for (i = 0; dev_list[i].handle > 0; i++) { newlist = realloc(*devices, sizeof(char*) * (newcount+1)); newlist[newcount++] = strdup(dev_list[i].uuid); *devices = newlist; } usbmuxd_device_list_free(&dev_list); *count = newcount; newlist = realloc(*devices, sizeof(char*) * (newcount+1)); newlist[newcount] = NULL; *devices = newlist; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Free a list of device uuids. * * @param devices List of uuids to free. * * @return Always returnes IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS. */ idevice_error_t idevice_device_list_free(char **devices) { if (devices) { int i = 0; while (devices[i++]) { free(devices[i]); } free(devices); } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Creates an idevice_t structure for the device specified by uuid, * if the device is available. * * @note The resulting idevice_t structure has to be freed with * idevice_free() if it is no longer used. * * @param device Upon calling this function, a pointer to a location of type * idevice_t. On successful return, this location will be populated. * @param uuid The UUID to match. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_new(idevice_t * device, const char *uuid) { usbmuxd_device_info_t muxdev; int res = usbmuxd_get_device_by_uuid(uuid, &muxdev); if (res > 0) { idevice_t phone = (idevice_t) malloc(sizeof(struct idevice_private)); phone->uuid = strdup(muxdev.uuid); phone->conn_type = CONNECTION_USBMUXD; phone->conn_data = (void*)muxdev.handle; *device = phone; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /* other connection types could follow here */ return IDEVICE_E_NO_DEVICE; } /** * Cleans up an idevice structure, then frees the structure itself. * This is a library-level function; deals directly with the device to tear * down relations, but otherwise is mostly internal. * * @param device idevice_t to free. */ idevice_error_t idevice_free(idevice_t device) { if (!device) return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; idevice_error_t ret = IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; ret = IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; free(device->uuid); if (device->conn_type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { device->conn_data = 0; } if (device->conn_data) { free(device->conn_data); } free(device); return ret; } /** * Set up a connection to the given device. * * @param device The device to connect to. * @param port The destination port to connect to. * @param connection Pointer to an idevice_connection_t that will be filled * with the necessary data of the connection. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connect(idevice_t device, uint16_t port, idevice_connection_t *connection) { if (!device) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (device->conn_type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { int sfd = usbmuxd_connect((uint32_t)(device->conn_data), port); if (sfd < 0) { debug_info("ERROR: Connecting to usbmuxd failed: %d (%s)", sfd, strerror(-sfd)); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } idevice_connection_t new_connection = (idevice_connection_t)malloc(sizeof(struct idevice_connection_private)); new_connection->type = CONNECTION_USBMUXD; new_connection->data = (void*)sfd; new_connection->ssl_data = NULL; *connection = new_connection; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", device->conn_type); } return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Disconnect from the device and clean up the connection structure. * * @param connection The connection to close. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_disconnect(idevice_connection_t connection) { if (!connection) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } /* shut down ssl if enabled */ if (connection->ssl_data) { idevice_connection_disable_ssl(connection); } idevice_error_t result = IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (connection->type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { usbmuxd_disconnect((int)(connection->data)); result = IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", connection->type); } free(connection); return result; } /** * Internally used function to send raw data over the given connection. */ static idevice_error_t internal_connection_send(idevice_connection_t connection, const char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *sent_bytes) { if (!connection || !data) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { int res = usbmuxd_send((int)(connection->data), data, len, sent_bytes); if (res < 0) { debug_info("ERROR: usbmuxd_send returned %d (%s)", res, strerror(-res)); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", connection->type); } return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Send data to a device via the given connection. * * @param connection The connection to send data over. * @param data Buffer with data to send. * @param len Size of the buffer to send. * @param sent_bytes Pointer to an uint32_t that will be filled * with the number of bytes actually sent. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connection_send(idevice_connection_t connection, const char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *sent_bytes) { if (!connection || !data || (connection->ssl_data && !connection->ssl_data->session)) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->ssl_data) { ssize_t sent = gnutls_record_send(connection->ssl_data->session, (void*)data, (size_t)len); if ((uint32_t)sent == (uint32_t)len) { *sent_bytes = sent; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } *sent_bytes = 0; return IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR; } return internal_connection_send(connection, data, len, sent_bytes); } /** * Internally used function for receiving raw data over the given connection * using a timeout. */ static idevice_error_t internal_connection_receive_timeout(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes, unsigned int timeout) { if (!connection) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { int res = usbmuxd_recv_timeout((int)(connection->data), data, len, recv_bytes, timeout); if (res < 0) { debug_info("ERROR: usbmuxd_recv_timeout returned %d (%s)", res, strerror(-res)); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", connection->type); } return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Receive data from a device via the given connection. * This function will return after the given timeout even if no data has been * received. * * @param connection The connection to receive data from. * @param data Buffer that will be filled with the received data. * This buffer has to be large enough to hold len bytes. * @param len Buffer size or number of bytes to receive. * @param recv_bytes Number of bytes actually received. * @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds after which this function should * return even if no data has been received. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connection_receive_timeout(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes, unsigned int timeout) { if (!connection || (connection->ssl_data && !connection->ssl_data->session)) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->ssl_data) { ssize_t received = gnutls_record_recv(connection->ssl_data->session, (void*)data, (size_t)len); if (received > 0) { *recv_bytes = received; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } *recv_bytes = 0; return IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR; } return internal_connection_receive_timeout(connection, data, len, recv_bytes, timeout); } /** * Internally used function for receiving raw data over the given connection. */ static idevice_error_t internal_connection_receive(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes) { if (!connection) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { int res = usbmuxd_recv((int)(connection->data), data, len, recv_bytes); if (res < 0) { debug_info("ERROR: usbmuxd_recv returned %d (%s)", res, strerror(-res)); return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", connection->type); } return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Receive data from a device via the given connection. * This function is like idevice_connection_receive_timeout, but with a * predefined reasonable timeout. * * @param connection The connection to receive data from. * @param data Buffer that will be filled with the received data. * This buffer has to be large enough to hold len bytes. * @param len Buffer size or number of bytes to receive. * @param recv_bytes Number of bytes actually received. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS if ok, otherwise an error code. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connection_receive(idevice_connection_t connection, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes) { if (!connection || (connection->ssl_data && !connection->ssl_data->session)) { return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; } if (connection->ssl_data) { ssize_t received = gnutls_record_recv(connection->ssl_data->session, (void*)data, (size_t)len); if (received > 0) { *recv_bytes = received; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } *recv_bytes = 0; return IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR; } return internal_connection_receive(connection, data, len, recv_bytes); } /** * Gets the handle of the device. Depends on the connection type. */ idevice_error_t idevice_get_handle(idevice_t device, uint32_t *handle) { if (!device) return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; if (device->conn_type == CONNECTION_USBMUXD) { *handle = (uint32_t)device->conn_data; return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } else { debug_info("Unknown connection type %d", device->conn_type); } return IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } /** * Gets the unique id for the device. */ idevice_error_t idevice_get_uuid(idevice_t device, char **uuid) { if (!device) return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; *uuid = strdup(device->uuid); return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } /** * Internally used gnutls callback function for receiving encrypted data. */ static ssize_t internal_ssl_read(gnutls_transport_ptr_t transport, char *buffer, size_t length) { int bytes = 0, pos_start_fill = 0; size_t tbytes = 0; int this_len = length; idevice_error_t res; idevice_connection_t connection = (idevice_connection_t)transport; char *recv_buffer; debug_info("pre-read client wants %zi bytes", length); recv_buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * this_len); /* repeat until we have the full data or an error occurs */ do { if ((res = internal_connection_receive(connection, recv_buffer, this_len, (uint32_t*)&bytes)) != IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS) { debug_info("ERROR: idevice_connection_receive returned %d", res); return res; } debug_info("post-read we got %i bytes", bytes); /* increase read count */ tbytes += bytes; /* fill the buffer with what we got right now */ memcpy(buffer + pos_start_fill, recv_buffer, bytes); pos_start_fill += bytes; if (tbytes >= length) { break; } this_len = length - tbytes; debug_info("re-read trying to read missing %i bytes", this_len); } while (tbytes < length); if (recv_buffer) { free(recv_buffer); } return tbytes; } /** * Internally used gnutls callback function for sending encrypted data. */ static ssize_t internal_ssl_write(gnutls_transport_ptr_t transport, char *buffer, size_t length) { uint32_t bytes = 0; idevice_connection_t connection = (idevice_connection_t)transport; debug_info("pre-send length = %zi", length); internal_connection_send(connection, buffer, length, &bytes); debug_info("post-send sent %i bytes", bytes); return bytes; } /** * Internally used function for cleaning up SSL stuff. */ static void internal_ssl_cleanup(ssl_data_t ssl_data) { if (!ssl_data) return; if (ssl_data->session) { gnutls_deinit(ssl_data->session); } if (ssl_data->certificate) { gnutls_certificate_free_credentials(ssl_data->certificate); } } /** * Enables SSL for the given connection. * * @param connection The connection to enable SSL for. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS on success, IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG when connection * is NULL or connection->ssl_data is non-NULL, or IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR when * SSL initialization, setup, or handshake fails. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connection_enable_ssl(idevice_connection_t connection) { if (!connection || connection->ssl_data) return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; idevice_error_t ret = IDEVICE_E_SSL_ERROR; uint32_t return_me = 0; ssl_data_t ssl_data_loc = (ssl_data_t)malloc(sizeof(struct ssl_data_private)); /* Set up GnuTLS... */ debug_info("enabling SSL mode"); errno = 0; gnutls_global_init(); gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(&ssl_data_loc->certificate); gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust_file(ssl_data_loc->certificate, "hostcert.pem", GNUTLS_X509_FMT_PEM); gnutls_init(&ssl_data_loc->session, GNUTLS_CLIENT); { int protocol_priority[16] = { GNUTLS_SSL3, 0 }; int kx_priority[16] = { GNUTLS_KX_ANON_DH, GNUTLS_KX_RSA, 0 }; int cipher_priority[16] = { GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_128_CBC, GNUTLS_CIPHER_AES_256_CBC, 0 }; int mac_priority[16] = { GNUTLS_MAC_SHA1, GNUTLS_MAC_MD5, 0 }; int comp_priority[16] = { GNUTLS_COMP_NULL, 0 }; gnutls_cipher_set_priority(ssl_data_loc->session, cipher_priority); gnutls_compression_set_priority(ssl_data_loc->session, comp_priority); gnutls_kx_set_priority(ssl_data_loc->session, kx_priority); gnutls_protocol_set_priority(ssl_data_loc->session, protocol_priority); gnutls_mac_set_priority(ssl_data_loc->session, mac_priority); } gnutls_credentials_set(ssl_data_loc->session, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, ssl_data_loc->certificate); /* this part is killing me. */ debug_info("GnuTLS step 1..."); gnutls_transport_set_ptr(ssl_data_loc->session, (gnutls_transport_ptr_t)connection); debug_info("GnuTLS step 2..."); gnutls_transport_set_push_function(ssl_data_loc->session, (gnutls_push_func) & internal_ssl_write); debug_info("GnuTLS step 3..."); gnutls_transport_set_pull_function(ssl_data_loc->session, (gnutls_pull_func) & internal_ssl_read); debug_info("GnuTLS step 4 -- now handshaking..."); if (errno) debug_info("WARN: errno says %s before handshake!", strerror(errno)); return_me = gnutls_handshake(ssl_data_loc->session); debug_info("GnuTLS handshake done..."); if (return_me != GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS) { internal_ssl_cleanup(ssl_data_loc); free(ssl_data_loc); debug_info("GnuTLS reported something wrong."); gnutls_perror(return_me); debug_info("oh.. errno says %s", strerror(errno)); } else { connection->ssl_data = ssl_data_loc; ret = IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; debug_info("SSL mode enabled"); } return ret; } /** * Disable SSL for the given connection. * * @param connection The connection to disable SSL for. * * @return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS on success, IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG when connection * is NULL. This function also returns IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS when SSL is not * enabled and does no further error checking on cleanup. */ idevice_error_t idevice_connection_disable_ssl(idevice_connection_t connection) { if (!connection) return IDEVICE_E_INVALID_ARG; if (!connection->ssl_data) { /* ignore if ssl is not enabled */ return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; } if (connection->ssl_data->session) { gnutls_bye(connection->ssl_data->session, GNUTLS_SHUT_RDWR); } internal_ssl_cleanup(connection->ssl_data); free(connection->ssl_data); connection->ssl_data = NULL; debug_info("SSL mode disabled"); return IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS; }