/* * usbmux.c * Interprets the usb multiplexing protocol used by the iPhone. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Zack C. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "usbmux.h" extern int debug; static usbmux_connection **connlist = NULL; static int connections = 0; usbmux_tcp_header *new_mux_packet(uint16 s_port, uint16 d_port) { usbmux_tcp_header *conn = (usbmux_tcp_header*)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)); conn->type = htonl(6); conn->length = 28; conn->sport = htons(s_port); conn->dport = htons(d_port); conn->scnt = 0; conn->ocnt = 0; conn->offset = 0x50; conn->window = htons(0x0200); conn->nullnull = 0x0000; conn->length16 = 28; return conn; } usbmux_version_header *version_header() { usbmux_version_header *version = (usbmux_version_header*)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_version_header)); version->type = 0; version->length = htonl(20); version->major = htonl(1); version->minor = 0; version->allnull = 0; return version; } // Maintenance functions. /* delete_connection(connection) * connection: the connection to delete from the tracking list. * Removes a connection from the list of connections made. * The list of connections is necessary for buffering. */ void delete_connection(usbmux_connection *connection) { usbmux_connection **newlist = (usbmux_connection**)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_connection*) * (connections - 1)); int i = 0, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < connections; i++) { if (connlist[i] == connection) continue; else { newlist[j] = connlist[i]; j++; } } free(connlist); connlist = newlist; connections--; if (connection->recv_buffer) free(connection->recv_buffer); if (connection->header) free(connection->header); connection->r_len = 0; free(connection); } /* add_connection(connection) * connection: the connection to add to the global list of connections. * Adds a connection to the list of connections made. * The connection list is necessary for buffering. */ void add_connection(usbmux_connection *connection) { usbmux_connection **newlist = (usbmux_connection**)realloc(connlist, sizeof(usbmux_connection*) * (connections+1)); newlist[connections] = connection; connlist = newlist; connections++; } /* mux_connect(phone, s_port, d_port) * This is a higher-level USBMuxTCP-type function. * phone: the iPhone to initialize a connection on. * s_port: the source port * d_port: the destination port -- 0xf27e for lockdownd. * Initializes a connection on phone, with source port s_port and destination port d_port * * Returns a mux TCP header for the connection which is used for tracking and data transfer. */ usbmux_connection *mux_connect(iPhone *phone, uint16 s_port, uint16 d_port) { if (!phone || !s_port || !d_port) return NULL; int bytes = 0; // Initialize connection stuff usbmux_connection *new_connection = (usbmux_connection*)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_connection)); new_connection->header = new_mux_packet(s_port, d_port); usbmux_tcp_header *response; response = (usbmux_tcp_header*)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)); // blargg if (new_connection && new_connection->header) { new_connection->header->tcp_flags = 0x02; new_connection->header->length = htonl(new_connection->header->length); new_connection->header->length16 = htons(new_connection->header->length16); if (send_to_phone(phone, (char*)new_connection->header, sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)) >= 0) { bytes = recv_from_phone(phone, (char*)response, sizeof(*response)); if (response->tcp_flags != 0x12) return NULL; else { if (debug) printf("mux_connect: connection success\n"); new_connection->header->tcp_flags = 0x10; new_connection->header->scnt = 1; new_connection->header->ocnt = 1; add_connection(new_connection); new_connection->phone = phone; new_connection->recv_buffer = NULL; new_connection->r_len = 0; add_connection(new_connection); return new_connection; } } else { return NULL; } } // if we get to this point it's probably bad return NULL; } /* mux_close_connection(phone, connection) * This is a higher-level USBmuxTCP-type function. * phone: the iPhone to close a connection with. * connection: the connection to close. * * Doesn't return anything; WILL FREE THE CONNECTION'S MEMORY!!! */ void mux_close_connection(usbmux_connection *connection) { if (!connection || !connection->phone) return; connection->header->tcp_flags = 0x04; connection->header->scnt = htonl(connection->header->scnt); connection->header->ocnt = htonl(connection->header->ocnt); int bytes = 0; bytes = usb_bulk_write(connection->phone->device, BULKOUT, (char*)connection->header, sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header), 800); if(debug && bytes < 0) printf("mux_close_connection(): when writing, libusb gave me the error: %s\n", usb_strerror()); bytes = usb_bulk_read(connection->phone->device, BULKIN, (char*)connection->header, sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header), 800); if(debug && bytes < 0) printf("get_iPhone(): when reading, libusb gave me the error: %s\n", usb_strerror()); delete_connection(connection); } /* mux_send(phone, connection, data, datalen) * This is a higher-level USBMuxTCP-like function. * phone: the iPhone to send to. * connection: the connection we're sending data on. * data: a pointer to the data to send. * datalen: how much data we're sending. * * Returns number of bytes sent, minus the header (28), or -1 on error. */ int mux_send(usbmux_connection *connection, const char *data, uint32 datalen) { if (!connection->phone || !connection || !data || datalen == 0) return -1; // connection->scnt and connection->ocnt should already be in host notation... // we don't need to change them juuuust yet. int bytes = 0; if (debug) printf("mux_send(): client wants to send %i bytes\n", datalen); char *buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header) + datalen + 2); // allow 2 bytes of safety padding // Set the length and pre-emptively htonl/htons it connection->header->length = htonl(sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header) + datalen); connection->header->length16 = htons(sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header) + datalen); // Put scnt and ocnt into big-endian notation connection->header->scnt = htonl(connection->header->scnt); connection->header->ocnt = htonl(connection->header->ocnt); // Concatenation of stuff in the buffer. memcpy(buffer, connection->header, sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)); memcpy(buffer+sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header), data, datalen); // We have a buffer full of data, we should now send it to the phone. if (debug) printf("actually sending %i bytes of data at %x\n", sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)+datalen, buffer); bytes = send_to_phone(connection->phone, buffer, sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)+datalen); if (debug) printf("mux_send: sent %i bytes!\n", bytes); // Now that we've sent it off, we can clean up after our sloppy selves. if (debug) { FILE *packet = fopen("packet", "a+"); fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, packet); fclose(packet); printf("\n"); } if (buffer) free(buffer); // Re-calculate scnt and ocnt connection->header->scnt = ntohl(connection->header->scnt) + datalen; connection->header->ocnt = ntohl(connection->header->ocnt); // Revert lengths connection->header->length = ntohl(connection->header->length); connection->header->length16 = ntohs(connection->header->length16); // Now return the bytes. if (bytes < sizeof(usbmux_tcp_header)+datalen) { return -1; // blah } else { return bytes - 28; // actual length sent. :/ } return bytes; // or something } /* mux_recv(phone, connection, data, datalen) * This is a higher-level USBMuxTCP-like function * phone: the phone to receive data from. * connection: the connection to receive data on. * data: where to put the data we receive. * datalen: how much data to read. * * Returns: how many bytes were read, or -1 if something bad happens. */ int mux_recv(usbmux_connection *connection, char *data, uint32 datalen) { /* * Order of operation: * 1.) Check if the connection has a pre-received buffer. * 2.) If so, fill data with the buffer, as much as needed. * a.) Return quickly if the buffer has enough * b.) If the buffer is only part of the datalen, get the rest of datalen (and if we can't, just return) * 3.) If not, receive directly from the phone. * a.) Check incoming packet's ports. If proper, follow proper buffering and receiving operation. * b.) If not, find the connection the ports belong to and fill that connection's buffer, then return mux_recv with the same args to try again. */ if (debug) printf("mux_recv: datalen == %i\n", datalen); int bytes = 0, i = 0, complex = 0, offset = 0; char *buffer = NULL; usbmux_tcp_header *header = NULL; if (connection->recv_buffer) { if (connection->r_len >= datalen) { memcpy(data, connection->recv_buffer, datalen); if (connection->r_len == datalen) { // reset everything free(connection->recv_buffer); connection->r_len = 0; connection->recv_buffer = NULL; } else { buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (connection->r_len - datalen)); memcpy(buffer, connection->recv_buffer+datalen, (connection->r_len - datalen)); connection->r_len -= datalen; free(connection->recv_buffer); connection->recv_buffer = buffer; } // Since we were able to fill the data straight from our buffer, we can just return datalen. See 2a above. return datalen; } else { memcpy(data, connection->recv_buffer, connection->r_len); free(connection->recv_buffer); // don't need to deal with anymore, but... offset = connection->r_len; // see #2b, above connection->r_len = 0; } } // End of what to do if we have a pre-buffer. See #1 and #2 above. buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 131072); // make sure we get enough ;) // See #3. bytes = recv_from_phone(connection->phone, buffer, 131072); if (bytes < 28) { free(buffer); if (debug) printf("mux_recv: Did not even get the header.\n"); return -1; } header = (usbmux_tcp_header*)buffer; if (header->sport != connection->header->dport || header->dport != connection->header->sport) { // Ooooops -- we got someone else's packet. // We gotta stick it in their buffer. (Take that any old way you want ;) ) for (i = 0; i < connections; i++) { if (connlist[i]->header->sport == header->dport && connlist[i]->header->dport == header->sport) { // we have a winner. connlist[i]->r_len += bytes - 28; connlist[i]->recv_buffer = (char*)realloc(connlist[i]->recv_buffer, sizeof(char) * connection->r_len); // grow their buffer complex = connlist[i]->r_len - (bytes - 28); memcpy(connlist[i]->recv_buffer+complex, buffer+28, bytes-28); // paste into their buffer connlist[i]->header->ocnt += bytes-28; } } // If it wasn't ours, it's been handled by this point... or forgotten. // Free our buffer and continue. free(buffer); buffer = NULL; return mux_recv(connection, data, datalen); // recurse back in to try again } // The packet was absolutely meant for us if it hits this point. // The pre-buffer has been taken care of, so, again, if we're at this point we have to read from the phone. if ((bytes-28) > datalen) { // Copy what we need into the data, buffer the rest because we can. memcpy(data+offset, buffer+28, datalen); // data+offset: see #2b, above complex = connection->r_len + (bytes-28) - datalen; connection->recv_buffer = (char*)realloc(connection->recv_buffer, (sizeof(char) * complex)); connection->r_len = complex; complex = connection->r_len - (bytes-28) - datalen; memcpy(connection->recv_buffer+complex, buffer+28+datalen, (bytes-28) - datalen); free(buffer); connection->header->ocnt += bytes-28; return datalen; } else { // Fill the data with what we have, and just return. memcpy(data+offset, buffer+28, bytes-28); // data+offset: see #2b, above connection->header->ocnt += bytes-28; free(buffer); return (bytes-28); } // If we get to this point, 'tis probably bad. if (debug) printf("mux_recv: Heisenbug: bytes and datalen not matching up\n"); return -1; }