/* * idevicebackup.c * Command line interface to use the device's backup and restore service * * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Martin Szulecki All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010 Nikias Bassen All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MOBILEBACKUP_SERVICE_NAME "com.apple.mobilebackup" #define NP_SERVICE_NAME "com.apple.mobile.notification_proxy" static mobilebackup_client_t mobilebackup = NULL; static lockdownd_client_t client = NULL; static idevice_t phone = NULL; static int quit_flag = 0; enum cmd_mode { CMD_BACKUP, CMD_RESTORE, CMD_LEAVE }; enum plist_format_t { PLIST_FORMAT_XML, PLIST_FORMAT_BINARY }; enum device_link_file_status_t { DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_NONE = 0, DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_HUNK, DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK }; static void notify_cb(const char *notification, void *userdata) { if (!strcmp(notification, NP_SYNC_CANCEL_REQUEST)) { printf("User has aborted on-device\n"); quit_flag++; } else { printf("unhandled notification '%s' (TODO: implement)\n", notification); } } static plist_t mobilebackup_factory_info_plist_new() { /* gather data from lockdown */ GTimeVal tv = {0, 0}; plist_t value_node = NULL; plist_t root_node = NULL; char *uuid = NULL; char *uuid_uppercase = NULL; plist_t ret = plist_new_dict(); /* get basic device information in one go */ lockdownd_get_value(client, NULL, NULL, &root_node); /* set fields we understand */ value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "BuildVersion"); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Build Version", plist_copy(value_node)); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "DeviceName"); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Device Name", plist_copy(value_node)); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Display Name", plist_copy(value_node)); /* FIXME: How is the GUID generated? */ plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "GUID", plist_new_string("---")); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity"); if (value_node) plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "IMEI", plist_copy(value_node)); g_get_current_time(&tv); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Last Backup Date", plist_new_date(tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec)); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "ProductType"); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Product Type", plist_copy(value_node)); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "ProductVersion"); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Product Version", plist_copy(value_node)); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "SerialNumber"); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Serial Number", plist_copy(value_node)); value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "UniqueDeviceID"); idevice_get_uuid(phone, &uuid); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Target Identifier", plist_new_string(uuid)); /* uppercase */ uuid_uppercase = g_ascii_strup(uuid, -1); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "Unique Identifier", plist_new_string(uuid_uppercase)); free(uuid_uppercase); free(uuid); /* FIXME: Embed files as nodes */ plist_t files = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "iTunes Files", files); plist_dict_insert_item(ret, "iTunes Version", plist_new_string("9.0.2")); plist_free(root_node); return ret; } static void mobilebackup_info_update_last_backup_date(plist_t info_plist) { GTimeVal tv = {0, 0}; plist_t node = NULL; if (!info_plist) return; g_get_current_time(&tv); node = plist_dict_get_item(info_plist, "Last Backup Date"); plist_set_date_val(node, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec); node = NULL; } static void buffer_read_from_filename(const char *filename, char **buffer, uint32_t *length) { FILE *f; uint64_t size; *length = 0; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (!f) { return; } fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(f); rewind(f); if (size == 0) { return; } *buffer = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*size); fread(*buffer, sizeof(char), size, f); fclose(f); *length = (uint32_t)size; } static void buffer_write_to_filename(const char *filename, const char *buffer, uint32_t length) { FILE *f; f = fopen(filename, "ab"); fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), length, f); fclose(f); } static int plist_read_from_filename(plist_t *plist, const char *filename) { char *buffer = NULL; uint32_t length; if (!filename) return 0; buffer_read_from_filename(filename, &buffer, &length); if (!buffer) { return 0; } if ((length > 8) && (memcmp(buffer, "bplist00", 8) == 0)) { plist_from_bin(buffer, length, plist); } else { plist_from_xml(buffer, length, plist); } free(buffer); return 1; } static int plist_write_to_filename(plist_t plist, const char *filename, enum plist_format_t format) { char *buffer = NULL; uint32_t length; if (!plist || !filename) return 0; if (format == PLIST_FORMAT_XML) plist_to_xml(plist, &buffer, &length); else if (format == PLIST_FORMAT_BINARY) plist_to_bin(plist, &buffer, &length); else return 0; buffer_write_to_filename(filename, buffer, length); free(buffer); return 1; } static int plist_strcmp(plist_t node, const char *str) { char *buffer = NULL; int ret = 0; if (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_STRING) return ret; plist_get_string_val(node, &buffer); ret = strcmp(buffer, str); free(buffer); return ret; } static gchar *mobilebackup_build_path(const char *backup_directory, const char *name, const char *extension) { gchar *filename = g_strconcat(name, extension, NULL); gchar *path = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, backup_directory, filename, NULL); g_free(filename); return path; } static void mobilebackup_write_status(const char *path, int status) { struct stat st; plist_t status_plist = plist_new_dict(); plist_dict_insert_item(status_plist, "Backup Success", plist_new_bool(status)); gchar *file_path = mobilebackup_build_path(path, "Status", ".plist"); if (stat(file_path, &st) == 0) remove(file_path); plist_write_to_filename(status_plist, file_path, PLIST_FORMAT_XML); plist_free(status_plist); status_plist = NULL; g_free(file_path); } static int mobilebackup_info_is_current_device(plist_t info) { plist_t value_node = NULL; plist_t node = NULL; plist_t root_node = NULL; int ret = 0; if (!info) return ret; if (plist_get_node_type(info) != PLIST_DICT) return ret; /* get basic device information in one go */ lockdownd_get_value(client, NULL, NULL, &root_node); /* verify UUID */ value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "UniqueDeviceID"); node = plist_dict_get_item(info, "Target Identifier"); if(plist_compare_node_value(value_node, node)) ret = 1; else { printf("Info.plist: UniqueDeviceID does not match.\n"); } /* verify SerialNumber */ if (ret == 1) { value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "SerialNumber"); node = plist_dict_get_item(info, "Serial Number"); if(plist_compare_node_value(value_node, node)) ret = 1; else { printf("Info.plist: SerialNumber does not match.\n"); ret = 0; } } /* verify ProductVersion to prevent using backup with different OS version */ if (ret == 1) { value_node = plist_dict_get_item(root_node, "ProductVersion"); node = plist_dict_get_item(info, "Product Version"); if(plist_compare_node_value(value_node, node)) ret = 1; else { printf("Info.plist: ProductVersion does not match.\n"); ret = 0; } } plist_free(root_node); root_node = NULL; value_node = NULL; node = NULL; return ret; } static int mobilebackup_delete_backup_file_by_hash(const char *backup_directory, const char *hash) { int ret = 0; gchar *path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mddata"); printf("Removing \"%s\"... ", path); if (!remove( path )) ret = 1; else ret = 0; g_free(path); if (!ret) return ret; path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mdinfo"); printf("Removing \"%s\"... ", path); if (!remove( path )) ret = 1; else ret = 0; g_free(path); return ret; } static void do_post_notification(const char *notification) { uint16_t nport = 0; np_client_t np; if (!client) { if (lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(phone, &client, "idevicebackup") != LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) { return; } } lockdownd_start_service(client, NP_SERVICE_NAME, &nport); if (nport) { np_client_new(phone, nport, &np); if (np) { np_post_notification(np, notification); np_client_free(np); } } else { printf("Could not start %s\n", NP_SERVICE_NAME); } } /** * signal handler function for cleaning up properly */ static void clean_exit(int sig) { fprintf(stderr, "Exiting...\n"); quit_flag++; } static void print_usage(int argc, char **argv) { char *name = NULL; name = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS] CMD [DIRECTORY]\n", (name ? name + 1: argv[0])); printf("Create or restore backup from the current or specified directory.\n\n"); printf("commands:\n"); printf(" backup\tSaves a device backup into DIRECTORY\n"); printf(" restore\tRestores a device backup from DIRECTORY.\n\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -d, --debug\t\tenable communication debugging\n"); printf(" -u, --uuid UUID\ttarget specific device by its 40-digit device UUID\n"); printf(" -h, --help\t\tprints usage information\n"); printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { idevice_error_t ret = IDEVICE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR; int i; char uuid[41]; uint16_t port = 0; uuid[0] = 0; int cmd = -1; int is_full_backup = 0; char *backup_directory = NULL; struct stat st; plist_t node = NULL; plist_t node_tmp = NULL; plist_t manifest_plist = NULL; plist_t info_plist = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; uint64_t length = 0; uint64_t backup_total_size = 0; enum device_link_file_status_t file_status; uint64_t c = 0; /* we need to exit cleanly on running backups and restores or we cause havok */ signal(SIGINT, clean_exit); signal(SIGQUIT, clean_exit); signal(SIGTERM, clean_exit); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* parse cmdline args */ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--debug")) { idevice_set_debug_level(1); continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--uuid")) { i++; if (!argv[i] || (strlen(argv[i]) != 40)) { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } strcpy(uuid, argv[i]); continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "backup")) { cmd = CMD_BACKUP; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "restore")) { cmd = CMD_RESTORE; } else if (backup_directory == NULL) { backup_directory = argv[i]; } else { print_usage(argc, argv); return 0; } } /* verify options */ if (cmd == -1) { printf("No command specified.\n"); print_usage(argc, argv); return -1; } if (backup_directory == NULL) { printf("No target backup directory specified.\n"); print_usage(argc, argv); return -1; } /* verify if passed backup directory exists */ if (stat(backup_directory, &st) != 0) { printf("ERROR: Backup directory \"%s\" does not exist!\n", backup_directory); return -1; } /* restore directory must contain an Info.plist */ char *info_path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, "Info", ".plist"); if (cmd == CMD_RESTORE) { if (stat(info_path, &st) != 0) { g_free(info_path); printf("ERROR: Backup directory \"%s\" is invalid. No Info.plist found.\n", backup_directory); return -1; } } printf("Backup directory is \"%s\"\n", backup_directory); if (uuid[0] != 0) { ret = idevice_new(&phone, uuid); if (ret != IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS) { printf("No device found with uuid %s, is it plugged in?\n", uuid); return -1; } } else { ret = idevice_new(&phone, NULL); if (ret != IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS) { printf("No device found, is it plugged in?\n"); return -1; } } if (LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS != lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(phone, &client, "idevicebackup")) { idevice_free(phone); return -1; } /* start notification_proxy */ np_client_t np = NULL; ret = lockdownd_start_service(client, NP_SERVICE_NAME, &port); if ((ret == LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) && port) { np_client_new(phone, port, &np); np_set_notify_callback(np, notify_cb, NULL); const char *noties[5] = { NP_SYNC_CANCEL_REQUEST, NP_SYNC_SUSPEND_REQUEST, NP_SYNC_RESUME_REQUEST, NP_BACKUP_DOMAIN_CHANGED, NULL }; np_observe_notifications(np, noties); } else { printf("ERROR: Could not start service %s.\n", NP_SERVICE_NAME); } /* start AFC, we need this for the lock file */ afc_client_t afc = NULL; port = 0; ret = lockdownd_start_service(client, "com.apple.afc", &port); if ((ret == LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) && port) { afc_client_new(phone, port, &afc); } /* start syslog_relay service and retrieve port */ port = 0; ret = lockdownd_start_service(client, MOBILEBACKUP_SERVICE_NAME, &port); if ((ret == LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) && port) { printf("Started \"%s\" service on port %d.\n", MOBILEBACKUP_SERVICE_NAME, port); mobilebackup_client_new(phone, port, &mobilebackup); /* check abort conditions */ if (quit_flag > 0) { printf("Aborting backup. Cancelled by user.\n"); cmd = CMD_LEAVE; } /* verify existing Info.plist */ if (stat(info_path, &st) == 0) { printf("Reading Info.plist from backup.\n"); plist_read_from_filename(&info_plist, info_path); if (!info_plist) { printf("Could not read Info.plist\n"); is_full_backup = 1; } if (info_plist && (cmd == CMD_BACKUP)) { if (mobilebackup_info_is_current_device(info_plist)) { /* update the last backup time within Info.plist */ mobilebackup_info_update_last_backup_date(info_plist); remove(info_path); plist_write_to_filename(info_plist, info_path, PLIST_FORMAT_XML); } else { printf("Aborting backup. Backup is not compatible with the current device.\n"); cmd = CMD_LEAVE; } } } else { is_full_backup = 1; } do_post_notification(NP_SYNC_WILL_START); uint64_t lockfile = 0; afc_file_open(afc, "/com.apple.itunes.lock_sync", AFC_FOPEN_RW, &lockfile); if (lockfile) { do_post_notification(NP_SYNC_LOCK_REQUEST); if (afc_file_lock(afc, lockfile, AFC_LOCK_EX) == AFC_E_SUCCESS) { do_post_notification(NP_SYNC_DID_START); } else { afc_file_close(afc, lockfile); lockfile = 0; } } switch(cmd) { case CMD_BACKUP: printf("Starting backup...\n"); /* TODO: check domain com.apple.mobile.backup key RequiresEncrypt and WillEncrypt with lockdown */ /* TODO: verify battery on AC enough battery remaining */ /* Manifest.plist (backup manifest (backup state)) */ char *manifest_path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, "Manifest", ".plist"); /* read the last Manifest.plist */ if (!is_full_backup) { printf("Reading existing Manifest.\n"); plist_read_from_filename(&manifest_plist, manifest_path); if (!manifest_plist) { printf("Could not read Manifest.plist, switching to full backup mode.\n"); is_full_backup = 1; } } /* Info.plist (Device infos, IC-Info.sidb, photos, app_ids, iTunesPrefs) */ /* create new Info.plist on new backups */ if (is_full_backup) { if (info_plist) { plist_free(info_plist); info_plist = NULL; } remove(info_path); printf("Creating Info.plist for new backup.\n"); info_plist = mobilebackup_factory_info_plist_new(); plist_write_to_filename(info_plist, info_path, PLIST_FORMAT_XML); } g_free(info_path); plist_free(info_plist); info_plist = NULL; /* close down the lockdown connection as it is no longer needed */ if (client) { lockdownd_client_free(client); client = NULL; } /* create Status.plist with failed status for now */ mobilebackup_write_status(backup_directory, 0); /* request backup from device with manifest from last backup */ printf("Requesting backup from device...\n"); mobilebackup_error_t err = mobilebackup_request_backup(mobilebackup, manifest_plist, "/", "1.6"); if (err == MOBILEBACKUP_E_SUCCESS) { if (is_full_backup) printf("Full backup mode.\n"); else printf("Incremental backup mode.\n"); printf("Please wait. Device is preparing backup data...\n"); } else { if (err == MOBILEBACKUP_E_BAD_VERSION) { printf("ERROR: Could not start backup process: backup protocol version mismatch!\n"); } else if (err == MOBILEBACKUP_E_REPLY_NOT_OK) { printf("ERROR: Could not start backup process: device refused to start the backup process.\n"); } else { printf("ERROR: Could not start backup process: unspecified error occured\n"); } break; } /* reset backup status */ int backup_ok = 0; plist_t message = NULL; /* receive and save DLSendFile files and metadata, ACK each */ int file_index = 0; int hunk_index = 0; uint64_t backup_real_size = 0; char *file_path = NULL; char *file_ext = NULL; char *filename_mdinfo = NULL; char *filename_mddata = NULL; char *filename_source = NULL; char *format_size = NULL; gboolean is_manifest = FALSE; uint8_t b = 0; /* process series of DLSendFile messages */ do { mobilebackup_receive(mobilebackup, &message); if (!message) { printf("Device is not ready yet. Going to try again in 2 seconds...\n"); sleep(2); continue; } node = plist_array_get_item(message, 0); /* get out if we don't get a DLSendFile */ if (plist_strcmp(node, "DLSendFile")) break; node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 2); /* first message hunk contains total backup size */ if ((hunk_index == 0) && (file_index == 0)) { node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupTotalSizeKey"); if (node) { plist_get_uint_val(node, &backup_total_size); format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_total_size); printf("Backup data requires %s on the disk.\n", format_size); g_free(format_size); } } /* check DLFileStatusKey (codes: 1 = Hunk, 2 = Last Hunk) */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileStatusKey"); plist_get_uint_val(node, &c); file_status = c; /* get source filename */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupManifestKey"); b = 0; if (node) { plist_get_bool_val(node, &b); } is_manifest = (b == 1) ? TRUE: FALSE; /* check if we completed a file */ if ((file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) && (!is_manifest)) { /* get source filename */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileSource"); plist_get_string_val(node, &filename_source); /* increase received size */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileAttributesKey"); node = plist_dict_get_item(node, "FileSize"); plist_get_uint_val(node, &length); backup_real_size += length; format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_real_size); printf("(%s", format_size); g_free(format_size); format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_total_size); printf("/%s): ", format_size); g_free(format_size); printf("Received file %s... ", filename_source); if (filename_source) free(filename_source); /* save .mdinfo */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo"); if (node) { node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileDest"); plist_get_string_val(node, &file_path); filename_mdinfo = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, file_path, ".mdinfo"); /* remove any existing file */ if (stat(filename_mdinfo, &st) == 0) remove(filename_mdinfo); node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo"); plist_write_to_filename(node, filename_mdinfo, PLIST_FORMAT_BINARY); g_free(filename_mdinfo); } file_index++; } /* save .mddata */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo"); if (node_tmp && file_path) { node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileDest"); plist_get_string_val(node, &file_path); filename_mddata = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, file_path, is_manifest ? NULL: ".mddata"); /* if this is the first hunk, remove any existing file */ if ((hunk_index == 0) && (stat(filename_mddata, &st) == 0)) remove(filename_mddata); /* get file data hunk */ node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1); plist_get_data_val(node_tmp, &buffer, &length); buffer_write_to_filename(filename_mddata, buffer, length); /* activate currently sent manifest */ if ((file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) && (is_manifest)) { rename(filename_mddata, manifest_path); } free(buffer); buffer = NULL; g_free(filename_mddata); } hunk_index++; if (file_ext) free(file_ext); if (message) plist_free(message); message = NULL; if (file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) { if (!is_manifest) printf("DONE\n"); /* acknowlegdge that we received the file */ mobilebackup_send_backup_file_received(mobilebackup); /* reset hunk_index */ hunk_index = 0; } if (quit_flag > 0) { /* need to cancel the backup here */ mobilebackup_send_error(mobilebackup, "Cancelling DLSendFile"); /* remove any atomic Manifest.plist.tmp */ if (manifest_path) g_free(manifest_path); manifest_path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, "Manifest", ".plist.tmp"); if (stat(manifest_path, &st) == 0) remove(manifest_path); break; } } while (1); printf("Received %d files from device.\n", file_index); if (!quit_flag && !plist_strcmp(node, "DLMessageProcessMessage")) { node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1); node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupMessageTypeKey"); /* check if we received the final "backup finished" message */ if (node && !plist_strcmp(node, "BackupMessageBackupFinished")) { /* backup finished */ /* process BackupFilesToDeleteKey */ node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFilesToDeleteKey"); if (node) { length = plist_array_get_size(node); i = 0; while ((node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(node, i++)) != NULL) { plist_get_string_val(node_tmp, &file_path); if (mobilebackup_delete_backup_file_by_hash(backup_directory, file_path)) { printf("DONE\n"); } else printf("FAILED\n"); } } /* save last valid Manifest.plist */ node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1); manifest_plist = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupManifestKey"); if (manifest_plist) { remove(manifest_path); printf("Storing Manifest.plist...\n"); plist_write_to_filename(manifest_plist, manifest_path, PLIST_FORMAT_XML); } backup_ok = 1; } } if (backup_ok) { /* Status.plist (Info on how the backup process turned out) */ printf("Backup Successful.\n"); mobilebackup_write_status(backup_directory, 1); } else { printf("Backup Failed.\n"); } if (manifest_path) g_free(manifest_path); break; case CMD_RESTORE: printf("Restoring backup is NOT IMPLEMENTED.\n"); /* verify battery on AC enough battery remaining */ /* request restore from device with manifest (BackupMessageRestoreMigrate) */ /* read mddata/mdinfo files and send to devices using DLSendFile */ /* signal restore finished message to device */ /* close down lockdown connection as it is no longer needed */ lockdownd_client_free(client); client = NULL; break; case CMD_LEAVE: default: break; } if (lockfile) { afc_file_lock(afc, lockfile, AFC_LOCK_UN); afc_file_close(afc, lockfile); lockfile = 0; do_post_notification(NP_SYNC_DID_FINISH); } } else { printf("ERROR: Could not start service %s.\n", MOBILEBACKUP_SERVICE_NAME); lockdownd_client_free(client); client = NULL; } if (client) { lockdownd_client_free(client); client = NULL; } if (afc) afc_client_free(afc); if (np) np_client_free(np); if (mobilebackup) mobilebackup_client_free(mobilebackup); idevice_free(phone); return 0; }