/** * GreenPois0n iRecovery - libirecovery.h * Copyright (C) 2010 Chronic-Dev Team * Copyright (C) 2010 Joshua Hill * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ #ifndef LIBIRECOVERY_H #define LIBIRECOVERY_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include <libusb-1.0/libusb.h> #else #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #undef interface #ifndef sleep #define sleep(n) Sleep(1000 * n) #endif #endif #define APPLE_VENDOR_ID 0x05AC #define CPID_UNKNOWN -1 #define CPID_IPHONE2G 0x8900 #define CPID_IPOD1G 0x8900 #define CPID_IPHONE3G 0x8900 #define CPID_IPOD2G 0x8720 #define CPID_IPHONE3GS 0x8920 #define CPID_IPOD3G 0x8922 #define CPID_IPAD1G 0x8930 #define CPID_IPHONE4 0x8930 #define CPID_IPOD4G 0x8930 #define CPID_APPLETV2 0x8930 #define CPID_IPHONE42 0x8930 #define CPID_IPAD21 0x8940 #define CPID_IPAD22 0x8940 #define CPID_IPAD23 0x8940 #define CPID_IPHONE4S 0x8940 #define BDID_UNKNOWN -1 #define BDID_IPHONE2G 0x00 #define BDID_IPOD1G 0x02 #define BDID_IPHONE3G 0x04 #define BDID_IPOD2G 0x00 #define BDID_IPHONE3GS 0x00 #define BDID_IPOD3G 0x02 #define BDID_IPAD1G 0x02 #define BDID_IPHONE4 0x00 #define BDID_IPOD4G 0x08 #define BDID_APPLETV2 0x10 #define BDID_IPHONE42 0x06 #define BDID_IPAD21 0x04 #define BDID_IPAD22 0x06 #define BDID_IPAD23 0x02 #define BDID_IPHONE4S 0x08 #define DEVICE_UNKNOWN -1 #define DEVICE_IPHONE2G 0 #define DEVICE_IPOD1G 1 #define DEVICE_IPHONE3G 2 #define DEVICE_IPOD2G 3 #define DEVICE_IPHONE3GS 4 #define DEVICE_IPOD3G 5 #define DEVICE_IPAD1G 6 #define DEVICE_IPHONE4 7 #define DEVICE_IPOD4G 8 #define DEVICE_APPLETV2 9 #define DEVICE_IPHONE42 10 #define DEVICE_IPAD21 11 #define DEVICE_IPAD22 12 #define DEVICE_IPAD23 13 #define DEVICE_IPHONE4S 14 #define DEVICE_APPLETV31 15 #define DEVICE_IPAD24 16 #define DEVICE_IPAD31 17 #define DEVICE_IPAD32 18 #define DEVICE_IPAD33 19 enum { kRecoveryMode1 = 0x1280, kRecoveryMode2 = 0x1281, kRecoveryMode3 = 0x1282, kRecoveryMode4 = 0x1283, kWTFMode = 0x1222, kDfuMode = 0x1227 }; typedef enum { IRECV_E_SUCCESS = 0, IRECV_E_NO_DEVICE = -1, IRECV_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY = -2, IRECV_E_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT = -3, IRECV_E_INVALID_INPUT = -4, IRECV_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -5, IRECV_E_USB_UPLOAD = -6, IRECV_E_USB_STATUS = -7, IRECV_E_USB_INTERFACE = -8, IRECV_E_USB_CONFIGURATION = -9, IRECV_E_PIPE = -10, IRECV_E_TIMEOUT = -11, IRECV_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR = -255 } irecv_error_t; typedef enum { IRECV_RECEIVED = 1, IRECV_PRECOMMAND = 2, IRECV_POSTCOMMAND = 3, IRECV_CONNECTED = 4, IRECV_DISCONNECTED = 5, IRECV_PROGRESS = 6 } irecv_event_type; typedef struct { int size; char* data; double progress; irecv_event_type type; } irecv_event_t; struct irecv_client; typedef struct irecv_client* irecv_client_t; typedef struct irecv_device* irecv_device_t; typedef int(*irecv_event_cb_t)(irecv_client_t client, const irecv_event_t* event); struct irecv_client { int debug; int config; int interface; int alt_interface; unsigned short mode; char serial[256]; #ifndef WIN32 libusb_device_handle* handle; #else HANDLE handle; HANDLE hDFU; HANDLE hIB; LPSTR iBootPath; LPSTR DfuPath; #endif irecv_event_cb_t progress_callback; irecv_event_cb_t received_callback; irecv_event_cb_t connected_callback; irecv_event_cb_t precommand_callback; irecv_event_cb_t postcommand_callback; irecv_event_cb_t disconnected_callback; }; struct irecv_device { int index; const char* product; const char* model; unsigned int board_id; unsigned int chip_id; }; static struct irecv_device irecv_devices[] = { { 0, "iPhone1,1", "m68ap", 0x00, 0x8900 }, { 1, "iPod1,1", "n45ap", 0x02, 0x8900 }, { 2, "iPhone1,2", "n82ap", 0x04, 0x8900 }, { 3, "iPod2,1", "n72ap", 0x00, 0x8720 }, { 4, "iPhone2,1", "n88ap", 0x00, 0x8920 }, { 5, "iPod3,1", "n18ap", 0x02, 0x8922 }, { 6, "iPad1,1", "k48ap", 0x02, 0x8930 }, { 7, "iPhone3,1", "n90ap", 0x00, 0x8930 }, { 8, "iPod4,1", "n81ap", 0x08, 0x8930 }, { 9, "AppleTV2,1", "k66ap", 0x10, 0x8930 }, { 10, "iPhone3,3", "n92ap", 0x06, 0x8930 }, { 11, "iPad2,1", "k93ap", 0x04, 0x8940 }, { 12, "iPad2,2", "k94ap", 0x06, 0x8940 }, { 13, "iPad2,3", "k95ap", 0x02, 0x8940 }, { 14, "iPhone4,1", "n94ap", 0x08, 0x8940 }, { 15, "AppleTV3,1", "j33ap", 0x08, 0x8942 }, { 16, "iPad2,4", "k93aap",0x06, 0x9842 }, { 17, "iPad3,1", "j1ap", 0x00, 0x8945 }, { 18, "iPad3,2", "j2ap", 0x02, 0x8945 }, { 19, "iPad3,3", "j2aap", 0x04, 0x8945 }, { -1, NULL, NULL, -1, -1 } }; void irecv_set_debug_level(int level); const char* irecv_strerror(irecv_error_t error); irecv_error_t irecv_open_attempts(irecv_client_t* pclient, unsigned long long ecid, int attempts); irecv_error_t irecv_open(irecv_client_t* client, unsigned long long ecid); irecv_error_t irecv_reset(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_close(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_receive(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_send_exploit(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_execute_script(irecv_client_t client, const char* filename); irecv_error_t irecv_set_configuration(irecv_client_t client, int configuration); irecv_error_t irecv_event_subscribe(irecv_client_t client, irecv_event_type type, irecv_event_cb_t callback, void *user_data); irecv_error_t irecv_event_unsubscribe(irecv_client_t client, irecv_event_type type); irecv_error_t irecv_send_file(irecv_client_t client, const char* filename, int dfuNotifyFinished); irecv_error_t irecv_send_command(irecv_client_t client, char* command); irecv_error_t irecv_send_buffer(irecv_client_t client, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long length, int dfuNotifyFinished); irecv_error_t irecv_saveenv(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_getret(irecv_client_t client, unsigned int* value); irecv_error_t irecv_getenv(irecv_client_t client, const char* variable, char** value); irecv_error_t irecv_setenv(irecv_client_t client, const char* variable, const char* value); irecv_error_t irecv_set_interface(irecv_client_t client, int interface, int alt_interface); irecv_error_t irecv_get_cpid(irecv_client_t client, unsigned int* cpid); irecv_error_t irecv_get_bdid(irecv_client_t client, unsigned int* bdid); irecv_error_t irecv_get_ecid(irecv_client_t client, unsigned long long* ecid); irecv_error_t irecv_get_nonce(irecv_client_t client, unsigned char** nonce, int* nonce_size); void irecv_hexdump(unsigned char* buf, unsigned int len, unsigned int addr); void irecv_init(); void irecv_exit(); irecv_client_t irecv_reconnect(irecv_client_t client, int initial_pause); irecv_error_t irecv_reset_counters(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_finish_transfer(irecv_client_t client); irecv_error_t irecv_recv_buffer(irecv_client_t client, char* buffer, unsigned long length); irecv_error_t irecv_get_device(irecv_client_t client, irecv_device_t* device); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif