/* * libusbmuxd.c * * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Martin Szulecki * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Nikias Bassen * Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Sladen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define USBMUXD_API __declspec( dllexport ) #else #ifdef HAVE_FVISIBILITY #define USBMUXD_API __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #else #define USBMUXD_API #endif #endif #ifndef EPROTO #define EPROTO 134 #endif #ifndef EBADMSG #define EBADMSG 104 #endif #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #ifndef HAVE_SLEEP #define sleep(x) Sleep(x*1000) #endif #else #include #include #include #ifdef _GNU_SOURCE extern char *program_invocation_short_name; #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ extern int _NSGetExecutablePath(char* buf, uint32_t* bufsize); #include #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY #include #define EVENT_SIZE (sizeof (struct inotify_event)) #define EVENT_BUF_LEN (1024 * (EVENT_SIZE + 16)) #define USBMUXD_DIRNAME "/var/run" #define USBMUXD_SOCKET_NAME "usbmuxd" #endif /* HAVE_INOTIFY */ #include #define PLIST_CLIENT_VERSION_STRING PACKAGE_STRING #define PLIST_LIBUSBMUX_VERSION 3 static char *bundle_id = NULL; static char *prog_name = NULL; // usbmuxd public interface #include "usbmuxd.h" // usbmuxd protocol #include "usbmuxd-proto.h" // socket utility functions #include "socket.h" // misc utility functions #include "collection.h" static int libusbmuxd_debug = 0; #define DEBUG(x, y, ...) if (x <= libusbmuxd_debug) fprintf(stderr, (y), __VA_ARGS__); fflush(stderr); static struct collection devices; static usbmuxd_event_cb_t event_cb = NULL; #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE devmon = NULL; #else pthread_t devmon; #endif static int listenfd = -1; static volatile int use_tag = 0; static volatile int proto_version = 1; static volatile int try_list_devices = 1; /** * Finds a device info record by its handle. * if the record is not found, NULL is returned. */ static usbmuxd_device_info_t *devices_find(uint32_t handle) { FOREACH(usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev, &devices) { if (dev && dev->handle == handle) { return dev; } } ENDFOREACH return NULL; } /** * Creates a socket connection to usbmuxd. * For Mac/Linux it is a unix domain socket, * for Windows it is a tcp socket. */ static int connect_usbmuxd_socket() { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) return socket_connect("", USBMUXD_SOCKET_PORT); #else return socket_connect_unix(USBMUXD_SOCKET_FILE); #endif } static struct usbmuxd_device_record* device_record_from_plist(plist_t props) { struct usbmuxd_device_record* dev = NULL; plist_t n = NULL; uint64_t val = 0; char *strval = NULL; dev = (struct usbmuxd_device_record*)malloc(sizeof(struct usbmuxd_device_record)); if (!dev) return NULL; memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct usbmuxd_device_record)); n = plist_dict_get_item(props, "DeviceID"); if (n && plist_get_node_type(n) == PLIST_UINT) { plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); dev->device_id = (uint32_t)val; } n = plist_dict_get_item(props, "ProductID"); if (n && plist_get_node_type(n) == PLIST_UINT) { plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); dev->product_id = (uint32_t)val; } n = plist_dict_get_item(props, "SerialNumber"); if (n && plist_get_node_type(n) == PLIST_STRING) { plist_get_string_val(n, &strval); if (strval) { strncpy(dev->serial_number, strval, 255); free(strval); } } n = plist_dict_get_item(props, "LocationID"); if (n && plist_get_node_type(n) == PLIST_UINT) { plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); dev->location = (uint32_t)val; } return dev; } static int receive_packet(int sfd, struct usbmuxd_header *header, void **payload, int timeout) { int recv_len; struct usbmuxd_header hdr; char *payload_loc = NULL; header->length = 0; header->version = 0; header->message = 0; header->tag = 0; recv_len = socket_receive_timeout(sfd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr), 0, timeout); if (recv_len < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error receiving packet: %d\n", __func__, recv_len); return recv_len; } else if ((size_t)recv_len < sizeof(hdr)) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Received packet is too small, got %d bytes!\n", __func__, recv_len); return recv_len; } uint32_t payload_size = hdr.length - sizeof(hdr); if (payload_size > 0) { payload_loc = (char*)malloc(payload_size); uint32_t rsize = 0; do { int res = socket_receive_timeout(sfd, payload_loc + rsize, payload_size - rsize, 0, 5000); if (res < 0) { break; } rsize += res; } while (rsize < payload_size); if (rsize != payload_size) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error receiving payload of size %d (bytes received: %d)\n", __func__, payload_size, rsize); free(payload_loc); return -EBADMSG; } } if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_PLIST) { char *message = NULL; plist_t plist = NULL; plist_from_xml(payload_loc, payload_size, &plist); free(payload_loc); if (!plist) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error getting plist from payload!\n", __func__); return -EBADMSG; } plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(plist, "MessageType"); if (!node || plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_STRING) { *payload = plist; hdr.length = sizeof(hdr); memcpy(header, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); return hdr.length; } plist_get_string_val(node, &message); if (message) { uint64_t val = 0; if (strcmp(message, "Result") == 0) { /* result message */ uint32_t dwval = 0; plist_t n = plist_dict_get_item(plist, "Number"); plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); *payload = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); dwval = val; memcpy(*payload, &dwval, sizeof(dwval)); hdr.length = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(dwval); hdr.message = MESSAGE_RESULT; } else if (strcmp(message, "Attached") == 0) { /* device add message */ struct usbmuxd_device_record *dev = NULL; plist_t props = plist_dict_get_item(plist, "Properties"); if (!props) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Could not get properties for message '%s' from plist!\n", __func__, message); free(message); plist_free(plist); return -EBADMSG; } dev = device_record_from_plist(props); if (!dev) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Could not create device record object from properties!\n", __func__); free(message); plist_free(plist); return -EBADMSG; } *payload = (void*)dev; hdr.length = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(struct usbmuxd_device_record); hdr.message = MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADD; } else if (strcmp(message, "Detached") == 0) { /* device remove message */ uint32_t dwval = 0; plist_t n = plist_dict_get_item(plist, "DeviceID"); if (n) { plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); *payload = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); dwval = val; memcpy(*payload, &dwval, sizeof(dwval)); hdr.length = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(dwval); hdr.message = MESSAGE_DEVICE_REMOVE; } } else if (strcmp(message, "Paired") == 0) { /* device pair message */ uint32_t dwval = 0; plist_t n = plist_dict_get_item(plist, "DeviceID"); if (n) { plist_get_uint_val(n, &val); *payload = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); dwval = val; memcpy(*payload, &dwval, sizeof(dwval)); hdr.length = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(dwval); hdr.message = MESSAGE_DEVICE_PAIRED; } } else { char *xml = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; plist_to_xml(plist, &xml, &len); DEBUG(1, "%s: Unexpected message '%s' in plist:\n%s\n", __func__, message, xml); free(xml); free(message); plist_free(plist); return -EBADMSG; } free(message); } plist_free(plist); } else { *payload = payload_loc; } memcpy(header, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)); return hdr.length; } /** * Retrieves the result code to a previously sent request. */ static int usbmuxd_get_result(int sfd, uint32_t tag, uint32_t *result, void **result_plist) { struct usbmuxd_header hdr; int recv_len; uint32_t *res = NULL; if (!result) { return -EINVAL; } *result = -1; if (result_plist) { *result_plist = NULL; } recv_len = receive_packet(sfd, &hdr, (void**)&res, 5000); if (recv_len < 0 || (size_t)recv_len < sizeof(hdr)) { free(res); return (recv_len < 0 ? recv_len : -EPROTO); } if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_RESULT) { int ret = 0; if (hdr.tag != tag) { DEBUG(1, "%s: WARNING: tag mismatch (%d != %d). Proceeding anyway.\n", __func__, hdr.tag, tag); } if (res) { memcpy(result, res, sizeof(uint32_t)); ret = 1; } if (res) free(res); return ret; } else if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_PLIST) { if (!result_plist) { DEBUG(1, "%s: MESSAGE_PLIST result but result_plist pointer is NULL!\n", __func__); return -1; } *result_plist = (plist_t)res; *result = RESULT_OK; return 1; } DEBUG(1, "%s: Unexpected message of type %d received!\n", __func__, hdr.message); if (res) free(res); return -EPROTO; } static int send_packet(int sfd, uint32_t message, uint32_t tag, void *payload, uint32_t payload_size) { struct usbmuxd_header header; header.length = sizeof(struct usbmuxd_header); header.version = proto_version; header.message = message; header.tag = tag; if (payload && (payload_size > 0)) { header.length += payload_size; } int sent = socket_send(sfd, &header, sizeof(header)); if (sent != sizeof(header)) { DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: could not send packet header\n", __func__); return -1; } if (payload && (payload_size > 0)) { uint32_t ssize = 0; do { int res = socket_send(sfd, (char*)payload + ssize, payload_size - ssize); if (res < 0) { break; } ssize += res; } while (ssize < payload_size); sent += ssize; } if (sent != (int)header.length) { DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: could not send whole packet (sent %d of %d)\n", __func__, sent, header.length); socket_close(sfd); return -1; } return sent; } static int send_plist_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag, plist_t message) { int res; char *payload = NULL; uint32_t payload_size = 0; plist_to_xml(message, &payload, &payload_size); res = send_packet(sfd, MESSAGE_PLIST, tag, payload, payload_size); free(payload); return res; } static void get_bundle_id() { #if defined (__APPLE__) char CONTENTS_INFO_PLIST[] = "Contents/Info.plist"; char* execpath = malloc(1024); uint32_t size = 1024; if (_NSGetExecutablePath(execpath, &size) != 0) { free(execpath); return; } // strip off executable name char *p = execpath + strlen(execpath) - 1; while (p > execpath && *p != '/') p--; if (*p == '/') *p = '\0'; // now walk back trying to find "/Contents/MacOS", and strip it off int macos_found = 0; while (p > execpath) { p--; if (*p != '/') continue; if (strcmp(p, "/.") == 0) { *p = '\0'; } else if (!macos_found && strcmp(p, "/MacOS") == 0) { *p = '\0'; macos_found++; } else if (macos_found && strcmp(p, "/Contents") == 0) { *p = '\0'; break; } else { break; } } // now just append "/Contents/Info.plist" size_t len = strlen(execpath) + sizeof(CONTENTS_INFO_PLIST) + 1; char *infopl = malloc(len); snprintf(infopl, len, "%s/%s", execpath, CONTENTS_INFO_PLIST); free(execpath); struct stat fst; fst.st_size = 0; if (stat(infopl, &fst) != 0) { free(infopl); return; } size_t fsize = fst.st_size; if (fsize < 8) { free(infopl); return; } FILE *f = fopen(infopl, "r"); free(infopl); if (!f) return; char *buf = malloc(fsize); if (!buf) return; if (fread(buf, 1, fsize, f) == fsize) { plist_t pl = NULL; if (memcmp(buf, "bplist00", 8) == 0) { plist_from_bin(buf, fst.st_size, &pl); } else { plist_from_xml(buf, fst.st_size, &pl); } if (pl) { plist_t bid = plist_dict_get_item(pl, "CFBundleIdentifier"); if (plist_get_node_type(bid) == PLIST_STRING) { plist_get_string_val(bid, &bundle_id); } plist_free(pl); } } free(buf); fclose(f); #endif } static void get_prog_name() { #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) const char *pname = getprogname(); if (pname) { prog_name = strdup(pname); } #elif defined (WIN32) TCHAR *_pname = malloc((MAX_PATH+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, _pname, MAX_PATH+1) > 0) { char* pname = NULL; #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) char* __pname = NULL; int l = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, _pname, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (l > 0) { __pname = malloc(l); if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, _pname, -1, __pname, l, NULL, NULL) > 0) { pname = __pname; } } #else pname = _pname; #endif if (pname) { char *p = pname+strlen(pname)-1; while (p > pname && *p != '\\' && *p != '/') p--; if (*p == '\\' || *p == '/') p++; prog_name = strdup(p); } #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) free(__pname); #endif } free(_pname); #elif defined (_GNU_SOURCE) char *pname = program_invocation_short_name; if (pname) { prog_name = strdup(pname); } #elif defined (__linux__) FILE *f = fopen("/proc/self/stat", "r"); if (!f) { return; } char *tmpbuf = malloc(512); size_t r = fread(tmpbuf, 1, 512, f); if (r > 0) { char *p = tmpbuf; while ((p-tmpbuf < r) && (*p != '(') && (*p != '\0')) p++; if (*p == '(') { p++; char *pname = p; while ((p-tmpbuf < r) && (*p != ')') && (*p != '\0')) p++; if (*p == ')') { *p = '\0'; prog_name = strdup(pname); } } } free(tmpbuf); fclose(f); #else #warning FIXME: no method to determine program name #endif } static plist_t create_plist_message(const char* message_type) { if (!bundle_id) { get_bundle_id(); } if (!prog_name) { get_prog_name(); } plist_t plist = plist_new_dict(); if (bundle_id) { plist_dict_set_item(plist, "BundleID", plist_new_string(bundle_id)); } plist_dict_set_item(plist, "ClientVersionString", plist_new_string(PLIST_CLIENT_VERSION_STRING)); plist_dict_set_item(plist, "MessageType", plist_new_string(message_type)); if (prog_name) { plist_dict_set_item(plist, "ProgName", plist_new_string(prog_name)); } plist_dict_set_item(plist, "kLibUSBMuxVersion", plist_new_uint(PLIST_LIBUSBMUX_VERSION)); return plist; } static int send_listen_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag) { int res = 0; if (proto_version == 1) { /* construct message plist */ plist_t plist = create_plist_message("Listen"); res = send_plist_packet(sfd, tag, plist); plist_free(plist); } else { /* binary packet */ res = send_packet(sfd, MESSAGE_LISTEN, tag, NULL, 0); } return res; } static int send_connect_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag, uint32_t device_id, uint16_t port) { int res = 0; if (proto_version == 1) { /* construct message plist */ plist_t plist = create_plist_message("Connect"); plist_dict_set_item(plist, "DeviceID", plist_new_uint(device_id)); plist_dict_set_item(plist, "PortNumber", plist_new_uint(htons(port))); res = send_plist_packet(sfd, tag, plist); plist_free(plist); } else { /* binary packet */ struct { uint32_t device_id; uint16_t port; uint16_t reserved; } conninfo; conninfo.device_id = device_id; conninfo.port = htons(port); conninfo.reserved = 0; res = send_packet(sfd, MESSAGE_CONNECT, tag, &conninfo, sizeof(conninfo)); } return res; } static int send_list_devices_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag) { int res = -1; /* construct message plist */ plist_t plist = create_plist_message("ListDevices"); res = send_plist_packet(sfd, tag, plist); plist_free(plist); return res; } static int send_read_buid_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag) { int res = -1; /* construct message plist */ plist_t plist = create_plist_message("ReadBUID"); res = send_plist_packet(sfd, tag, plist); plist_free(plist); return res; } static int send_pair_record_packet(int sfd, uint32_t tag, const char* msgtype, const char* pair_record_id, uint32_t device_id, plist_t data) { int res = -1; /* construct message plist */ plist_t plist = create_plist_message(msgtype); plist_dict_set_item(plist, "PairRecordID", plist_new_string(pair_record_id)); if (data) { plist_dict_set_item(plist, "PairRecordData", plist_copy(data)); } if (device_id > 0) { plist_dict_set_item(plist, "DeviceID", plist_new_uint(device_id)); } res = send_plist_packet(sfd, tag, plist); plist_free(plist); return res; } /** * Generates an event, i.e. calls the callback function. * A reference to a populated usbmuxd_event_t with information about the event * and the corresponding device will be passed to the callback function. */ static void generate_event(usbmuxd_event_cb_t callback, const usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev, enum usbmuxd_event_type event, void *user_data) { usbmuxd_event_t ev; if (!callback || !dev) { return; } ev.event = event; memcpy(&ev.device, dev, sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t)); callback(&ev, user_data); } static int usbmuxd_listen_poll() { int sfd; sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { while (event_cb) { if ((sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket()) >= 0) { break; } sleep(1); } } return sfd; } #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY static int use_inotify = 1; static int usbmuxd_listen_inotify() { int inot_fd; int watch_d; int sfd; if (!use_inotify) { return -2; } sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd >= 0) return sfd; sfd = -1; inot_fd = inotify_init (); if (inot_fd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Failed to setup inotify\n", __func__); return -2; } /* inotify is setup, listen for events that concern us */ watch_d = inotify_add_watch (inot_fd, USBMUXD_DIRNAME, IN_CREATE); if (watch_d < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Failed to setup watch descriptor for socket dir\n", __func__); close (inot_fd); return -2; } while (1) { ssize_t len, i; char buff[EVENT_BUF_LEN] = {0}; i = 0; len = read (inot_fd, buff, EVENT_BUF_LEN -1); if (len < 0) goto end; while (i < len) { struct inotify_event *pevent = (struct inotify_event *) & buff[i]; /* check that it's ours */ if (pevent->mask & IN_CREATE && pevent->len && pevent->name[0] != 0 && strcmp(pevent->name, USBMUXD_SOCKET_NAME) == 0) { /* retry if usbmuxd isn't ready yet */ int retry = 10; while (--retry >= 0) { if ((sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket ()) >= 0) { break; } sleep(1); } goto end; } i += EVENT_SIZE + pevent->len; } } end: inotify_rm_watch(inot_fd, watch_d); close(inot_fd); return sfd; } #endif /* HAVE_INOTIFY */ /** * Tries to connect to usbmuxd and wait if it is not running. */ static int usbmuxd_listen() { int sfd; uint32_t res = -1; int tag; retry: #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY sfd = usbmuxd_listen_inotify(); if (sfd == -2) sfd = usbmuxd_listen_poll(); #else sfd = usbmuxd_listen_poll(); #endif if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: usbmuxd was supposed to be running here...\n", __func__); return sfd; } tag = ++use_tag; if (send_listen_packet(sfd, tag) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: could not send listen packet\n", __func__); socket_close(sfd); return -1; } if ((usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &res, NULL) == 1) && (res != 0)) { socket_close(sfd); if ((res == RESULT_BADVERSION) && (proto_version == 1)) { proto_version = 0; goto retry; } DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: did not get OK but %d\n", __func__, res); return -1; } return sfd; } /** * Waits for an event to occur, i.e. a packet coming from usbmuxd. * Calls generate_event to pass the event via callback to the client program. */ static int get_next_event(int sfd, usbmuxd_event_cb_t callback, void *user_data) { struct usbmuxd_header hdr; void *payload = NULL; /* block until we receive something */ if (receive_packet(sfd, &hdr, &payload, 0) < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error in usbmuxd connection, disconnecting all devices!\n", __func__); // when then usbmuxd connection fails, // generate remove events for every device that // is still present so applications know about it FOREACH(usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev, &devices) { generate_event(callback, dev, UE_DEVICE_REMOVE, user_data); collection_remove(&devices, dev); free(dev); } ENDFOREACH return -EIO; } if ((hdr.length > sizeof(hdr)) && !payload) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Invalid packet received, payload is missing!\n", __func__); return -EBADMSG; } if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADD) { struct usbmuxd_device_record *dev = payload; usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo = (usbmuxd_device_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t)); if (!devinfo) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Out of memory!\n", __func__); free(payload); return -1; } devinfo->handle = dev->device_id; devinfo->product_id = dev->product_id; memset(devinfo->udid, '\0', sizeof(devinfo->udid)); memcpy(devinfo->udid, dev->serial_number, sizeof(devinfo->udid)); if (strcasecmp(devinfo->udid, "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") == 0) { sprintf(devinfo->udid + 32, "%08x", devinfo->handle); } collection_add(&devices, devinfo); generate_event(callback, devinfo, UE_DEVICE_ADD, user_data); } else if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_DEVICE_REMOVE) { uint32_t handle; usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo; memcpy(&handle, payload, sizeof(uint32_t)); devinfo = devices_find(handle); if (!devinfo) { DEBUG(1, "%s: WARNING: got device remove message for handle %d, but couldn't find the corresponding handle in the device list. This event will be ignored.\n", __func__, handle); } else { generate_event(callback, devinfo, UE_DEVICE_REMOVE, user_data); collection_remove(&devices, devinfo); free(devinfo); } } else if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_DEVICE_PAIRED) { uint32_t handle; usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo; memcpy(&handle, payload, sizeof(uint32_t)); devinfo = devices_find(handle); if (!devinfo) { DEBUG(1, "%s: WARNING: got paired message for device handle %d, but couldn't find the corresponding handle in the device list. This event will be ignored.\n", __func__, handle); } else { generate_event(callback, devinfo, UE_DEVICE_PAIRED, user_data); } } else if (hdr.length > 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Unexpected message type %d length %d received!\n", __func__, hdr.message, hdr.length); } if (payload) { free(payload); } return 0; } static void device_monitor_cleanup(void* data) { FOREACH(usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev, &devices) { collection_remove(&devices, dev); free(dev); } ENDFOREACH collection_free(&devices); socket_close(listenfd); listenfd = -1; } /** * Device Monitor thread function. * * This function sets up a connection to usbmuxd */ static void *device_monitor(void *data) { collection_init(&devices); #ifndef WIN32 pthread_cleanup_push(device_monitor_cleanup, NULL); #endif while (event_cb) { listenfd = usbmuxd_listen(); if (listenfd < 0) { continue; } while (event_cb) { int res = get_next_event(listenfd, event_cb, data); if (res < 0) { break; } } } #ifndef WIN32 pthread_cleanup_pop(1); #else device_monitor_cleanup(NULL); #endif return NULL; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_subscribe(usbmuxd_event_cb_t callback, void *user_data) { int res; if (!callback) { return -EINVAL; } event_cb = callback; #ifdef WIN32 res = 0; devmon = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)device_monitor, user_data, 0, NULL); if (devmon == NULL) { res = GetLastError(); } #else res = pthread_create(&devmon, NULL, device_monitor, user_data); #endif if (res != 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: ERROR: Could not start device watcher thread!\n", __func__); return res; } return 0; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_unsubscribe() { int res; event_cb = NULL; socket_shutdown(listenfd, SHUT_RDWR); #ifdef WIN32 if (devmon != NULL) { res = WaitForSingleObject(devmon, INFINITE); if (res != 0) { return res; } } #else res = pthread_kill(devmon, 0); if (res == 0) { pthread_cancel(devmon); res = pthread_join(devmon, NULL); } if ((res != 0) && (res != ESRCH)) { return res; } #endif return 0; } static usbmuxd_device_info_t *device_info_from_device_record(struct usbmuxd_device_record *dev) { if (!dev) { return NULL; } usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo = (usbmuxd_device_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t)); if (!devinfo) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Out of memory!\n", __func__); return NULL; } devinfo->handle = dev->device_id; devinfo->product_id = dev->product_id; memset(devinfo->udid, '\0', sizeof(devinfo->udid)); memcpy(devinfo->udid, dev->serial_number, sizeof(devinfo->udid)); if (strcasecmp(devinfo->udid, "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff") == 0) { sprintf(devinfo->udid + 32, "%08x", devinfo->handle); } return devinfo; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_get_device_list(usbmuxd_device_info_t **device_list) { int sfd; int tag; int listen_success = 0; uint32_t res; struct collection tmpdevs; usbmuxd_device_info_t *newlist = NULL; struct usbmuxd_header hdr; struct usbmuxd_device_record *dev; int dev_cnt = 0; void *payload = NULL; *device_list = NULL; retry: sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: error opening socket!\n", __func__); return sfd; } tag = ++use_tag; if ((proto_version == 1) && (try_list_devices)) { if (send_list_devices_packet(sfd, tag) > 0) { plist_t list = NULL; if ((usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &res, &list) == 1) && (res == 0)) { plist_t devlist = plist_dict_get_item(list, "DeviceList"); if (devlist && plist_get_node_type(devlist) == PLIST_ARRAY) { collection_init(&tmpdevs); uint32_t numdevs = plist_array_get_size(devlist); uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) { plist_t pdev = plist_array_get_item(devlist, i); plist_t props = plist_dict_get_item(pdev, "Properties"); dev = device_record_from_plist(props); usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo = device_info_from_device_record(dev); free(dev); if (!devinfo) { socket_close(sfd); DEBUG(1, "%s: can't create device info object\n", __func__); plist_free(list); return -1; } collection_add(&tmpdevs, devinfo); } plist_free(list); goto got_device_list; } } else { if (res == RESULT_BADVERSION) { proto_version = 0; } socket_close(sfd); try_list_devices = 0; plist_free(list); goto retry; } plist_free(list); } } tag = ++use_tag; if (send_listen_packet(sfd, tag) > 0) { res = -1; // get response if ((usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &res, NULL) == 1) && (res == 0)) { listen_success = 1; } else { socket_close(sfd); if ((res == RESULT_BADVERSION) && (proto_version == 1)) { proto_version = 0; goto retry; } DEBUG(1, "%s: Did not get response to scan request (with result=0)...\n", __func__); return res; } } if (!listen_success) { socket_close(sfd); DEBUG(1, "%s: Could not send listen request!\n", __func__); return -1; } collection_init(&tmpdevs); // receive device list while (1) { if (receive_packet(sfd, &hdr, &payload, 100) > 0) { if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_DEVICE_ADD) { dev = payload; usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo = device_info_from_device_record(dev); if (!devinfo) { socket_close(sfd); DEBUG(1, "%s: can't create device info object\n", __func__); free(payload); return -1; } collection_add(&tmpdevs, devinfo); } else if (hdr.message == MESSAGE_DEVICE_REMOVE) { uint32_t handle; usbmuxd_device_info_t *devinfo = NULL; memcpy(&handle, payload, sizeof(uint32_t)); FOREACH(usbmuxd_device_info_t *di, &tmpdevs) { if (di && di->handle == handle) { devinfo = di; break; } } ENDFOREACH if (devinfo) { collection_remove(&tmpdevs, devinfo); free(devinfo); } } else { DEBUG(1, "%s: Unexpected message %d\n", __func__, hdr.message); } if (payload) free(payload); } else { // we _should_ have all of them now. // or perhaps an error occured. break; } } got_device_list: // explicitly close connection socket_close(sfd); // create copy of device info entries from collection newlist = (usbmuxd_device_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t) * (collection_count(&tmpdevs) + 1)); dev_cnt = 0; FOREACH(usbmuxd_device_info_t *di, &tmpdevs) { if (di) { memcpy(&newlist[dev_cnt], di, sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t)); free(di); dev_cnt++; } } ENDFOREACH collection_free(&tmpdevs); memset(&newlist[dev_cnt], 0, sizeof(usbmuxd_device_info_t)); *device_list = newlist; return dev_cnt; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_device_list_free(usbmuxd_device_info_t **device_list) { if (device_list) { free(*device_list); } return 0; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_get_device_by_udid(const char *udid, usbmuxd_device_info_t *device) { usbmuxd_device_info_t *dev_list = NULL; if (!device) { return -EINVAL; } if (usbmuxd_get_device_list(&dev_list) < 0) { return -ENODEV; } int i; int result = 0; for (i = 0; dev_list[i].handle > 0; i++) { if (!udid) { device->handle = dev_list[i].handle; device->product_id = dev_list[i].product_id; strcpy(device->udid, dev_list[i].udid); result = 1; break; } if (!strcmp(udid, dev_list[i].udid)) { device->handle = dev_list[i].handle; device->product_id = dev_list[i].product_id; strcpy(device->udid, dev_list[i].udid); result = 1; break; } } free(dev_list); return result; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_connect(const int handle, const unsigned short port) { int sfd; int tag; int connected = 0; uint32_t res = -1; retry: sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: Connection to usbmuxd failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); return sfd; } tag = ++use_tag; if (send_connect_packet(sfd, tag, (uint32_t)handle, (uint16_t)port) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error sending connect message!\n", __func__); } else { // read ACK DEBUG(2, "%s: Reading connect result...\n", __func__); if (usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &res, NULL) == 1) { if (res == 0) { DEBUG(2, "%s: Connect success!\n", __func__); connected = 1; } else { if ((res == RESULT_BADVERSION) && (proto_version == 1)) { proto_version = 0; socket_close(sfd); goto retry; } DEBUG(1, "%s: Connect failed, Error code=%d\n", __func__, res); } } } if (connected) { return sfd; } socket_close(sfd); return -1; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_disconnect(int sfd) { return socket_close(sfd); } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_send(int sfd, const char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *sent_bytes) { int num_sent; if (sfd < 0) { return -EINVAL; } num_sent = socket_send(sfd, (void*)data, len); if (num_sent < 0) { *sent_bytes = 0; num_sent = errno; DEBUG(1, "%s: Error %d when sending: %s\n", __func__, num_sent, strerror(num_sent)); return -num_sent; } else if ((uint32_t)num_sent < len) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Warning: Did not send enough (only %d of %d)\n", __func__, num_sent, len); } *sent_bytes = num_sent; return 0; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_recv_timeout(int sfd, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes, unsigned int timeout) { int num_recv = socket_receive_timeout(sfd, (void*)data, len, 0, timeout); if (num_recv < 0) { *recv_bytes = 0; return num_recv; } *recv_bytes = num_recv; return 0; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_recv(int sfd, char *data, uint32_t len, uint32_t *recv_bytes) { return usbmuxd_recv_timeout(sfd, data, len, recv_bytes, 5000); } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_read_buid(char **buid) { int sfd; int tag; int ret = -1; if (!buid) { return -EINVAL; } *buid = NULL; sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: Connection to usbmuxd failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); return sfd; } proto_version = 1; tag = ++use_tag; if (send_read_buid_packet(sfd, tag) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error sending ReadBUID message!\n", __func__); } else { uint32_t rc = 0; plist_t pl = NULL; ret = usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &rc, &pl); if ((ret == 1) && (rc == 0)) { plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(pl, "BUID"); if (node && plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_STRING) { plist_get_string_val(node, buid); } ret = 0; } else if (ret == 1) { ret = -(int)rc; } plist_free(pl); } socket_close(sfd); return ret; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_read_pair_record(const char* record_id, char **record_data, uint32_t *record_size) { int sfd; int tag; int ret = -1; if (!record_id || !record_data || !record_size) { return -EINVAL; } *record_data = NULL; *record_size = 0; sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: Connection to usbmuxd failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); return sfd; } proto_version = 1; tag = ++use_tag; if (send_pair_record_packet(sfd, tag, "ReadPairRecord", record_id, 0, NULL) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error sending ReadPairRecord message!\n", __func__); } else { uint32_t rc = 0; plist_t pl = NULL; ret = usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &rc, &pl); if ((ret == 1) && (rc == 0)) { plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(pl, "PairRecordData"); if (node && plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_DATA) { uint64_t int64val = 0; plist_get_data_val(node, record_data, &int64val); if (*record_data && int64val > 0) { *record_size = (uint32_t)int64val; ret = 0; } } } else if (ret == 1) { ret = -(int)rc; } plist_free(pl); } socket_close(sfd); return ret; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_save_pair_record_with_device_id(const char* record_id, uint32_t device_id, const char *record_data, uint32_t record_size) { int sfd; int tag; int ret = -1; if (!record_id || !record_data || !record_size) { return -EINVAL; } sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: Connection to usbmuxd failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); return sfd; } proto_version = 1; tag = ++use_tag; plist_t data = plist_new_data(record_data, record_size); if (send_pair_record_packet(sfd, tag, "SavePairRecord", record_id, device_id, data) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error sending SavePairRecord message!\n", __func__); } else { uint32_t rc = 0; ret = usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &rc, NULL); if ((ret == 1) && (rc == 0)) { ret = 0; } else if (ret == 1) { ret = -(int)rc; DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: saving pair record failed: %d\n", __func__, ret); } } plist_free(data); socket_close(sfd); return ret; } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_save_pair_record(const char* record_id, const char *record_data, uint32_t record_size) { return usbmuxd_save_pair_record_with_device_id(record_id, 0, record_data, record_size); } USBMUXD_API int usbmuxd_delete_pair_record(const char* record_id) { int sfd; int tag; int ret = -1; if (!record_id) { return -EINVAL; } sfd = connect_usbmuxd_socket(); if (sfd < 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: Connection to usbmuxd failed: %s\n", __func__, strerror(errno)); return sfd; } proto_version = 1; tag = ++use_tag; if (send_pair_record_packet(sfd, tag, "DeletePairRecord", record_id, 0, NULL) <= 0) { DEBUG(1, "%s: Error sending DeletePairRecord message!\n", __func__); } else { uint32_t rc = 0; ret = usbmuxd_get_result(sfd, tag, &rc, NULL); if ((ret == 1) && (rc == 0)) { ret = 0; } else if (ret == 1) { ret = -(int)rc; DEBUG(1, "%s: Error: deleting pair record failed: %d\n", __func__, ret); } } socket_close(sfd); return ret; } USBMUXD_API void libusbmuxd_set_use_inotify(int set) { #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY use_inotify = set; #endif return; } USBMUXD_API void libusbmuxd_set_debug_level(int level) { libusbmuxd_debug = level; socket_set_verbose(level); }