diff options
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 501 deletions
diff --git a/tools/idevicebackup4.c b/tools/idevicebackup4.c
index af798c0..f306260 100644
--- a/tools/idevicebackup4.c
+++ b/tools/idevicebackup4.c
@@ -73,81 +73,6 @@ enum device_link_file_status_t {
-#if 0
-static void sha1_of_data(const char *input, uint32_t size, unsigned char *hash_out)
- gcry_md_hash_buffer(GCRY_MD_SHA1, hash_out, input, size);
-static int compare_hash(const unsigned char *hash1, const unsigned char *hash2, int hash_len)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < hash_len; i++) {
- if (hash1[i] != hash2[i]) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
-static void compute_datahash(const char *path, const char *destpath, uint8_t greylist, const char *domain, const char *appid, const char *version, unsigned char *hash_out)
- gcry_md_hd_t hd = NULL;
- gcry_md_open(&hd, GCRY_MD_SHA1, 0);
- if (!hd) {
- printf("ERROR: Could not initialize libgcrypt/SHA1\n");
- return;
- }
- gcry_md_reset(hd);
- FILE *f = fopen(path, "rb");
- if (f) {
- unsigned char buf[16384];
- size_t len;
- while ((len = fread(buf, 1, 16384, f)) > 0) {
- gcry_md_write(hd, buf, len);
- }
- fclose(f);
- gcry_md_write(hd, destpath, strlen(destpath));
- gcry_md_write(hd, ";", 1);
- if (greylist == 1) {
- gcry_md_write(hd, "true", 4);
- } else {
- gcry_md_write(hd, "false", 5);
- }
- gcry_md_write(hd, ";", 1);
- if (domain) {
- gcry_md_write(hd, domain, strlen(domain));
- } else {
- gcry_md_write(hd, "(null)", 6);
- }
- gcry_md_write(hd, ";", 1);
- if (appid) {
- gcry_md_write(hd, appid, strlen(appid));
- } else {
- gcry_md_write(hd, "(null)", 6);
- }
- gcry_md_write(hd, ";", 1);
- if (version) {
- gcry_md_write(hd, version, strlen(version));
- } else {
- gcry_md_write(hd, "(null)", 6);
- }
- unsigned char *newhash = gcry_md_read(hd, GCRY_MD_SHA1);
- memcpy(hash_out, newhash, 20);
- }
- gcry_md_close(hd);
-static void print_hash(const unsigned char *hash, int len)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- printf("%02x", hash[i]);
- }
static void notify_cb(const char *notification, void *userdata)
if (!strcmp(notification, NP_SYNC_CANCEL_REQUEST)) {
@@ -365,23 +290,6 @@ static plist_t mobilebackup_factory_info_plist_new()
return ret;
-#if 0
-static void mobilebackup_info_update_last_backup_date(plist_t info_plist)
- GTimeVal tv = {0, 0};
- plist_t node = NULL;
- if (!info_plist)
- return;
- g_get_current_time(&tv);
- node = plist_dict_get_item(info_plist, "Last Backup Date");
- plist_set_date_val(node, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
- node = NULL;
static void buffer_read_from_filename(const char *filename, char **buffer, uint64_t *length)
FILE *f;
@@ -469,21 +377,6 @@ static int plist_write_to_filename(plist_t plist, const char *filename, enum pli
return 1;
-static int plist_strcmp(plist_t node, const char *str)
- char *buffer = NULL;
- int ret = 0;
- if (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_STRING)
- return ret;
- plist_get_string_val(node, &buffer);
- ret = strcmp(buffer, str);
- free(buffer);
- return ret;
static int mobilebackup_status_check_snapshot_state(const char *path, const char *uuid, const char *matches)
int ret = -1;
@@ -571,186 +464,6 @@ static int mobilebackup_info_is_current_device(plist_t info)
return ret;
-/*static int mobilebackup_delete_backup_file_by_hash(const char *backup_directory, const char *hash)
- int ret = 0;
- gchar *path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mddata");
- printf("Removing \"%s\" ", path);
- if (!remove( path ))
- ret = 1;
- else
- ret = 0;
- g_free(path);
- if (!ret)
- return ret;
- path = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mdinfo");
- printf("and \"%s\"... ", path);
- if (!remove( path ))
- ret = 1;
- else
- ret = 0;
- g_free(path);
- return ret;
-#if 0
-static int mobilebackup_check_file_integrity(const char *backup_directory, const char *hash, plist_t filedata)
- char *datapath;
- char *infopath;
- plist_t mdinfo = NULL;
- struct stat st;
- unsigned char file_hash[20];
- datapath = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mddata");
- if (stat(datapath, &st) != 0) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: '%s.mddata' is missing!\n", hash);
- free(datapath);
- return 0;
- }
- infopath = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, hash, ".mdinfo");
- plist_read_from_filename(&mdinfo, infopath);
- free(infopath);
- if (!mdinfo) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: '%s.mdinfo' is missing or corrupted!\n", hash);
- free(datapath);
- return 0;
- }
- /* sha1 hash verification */
- plist_t node = plist_dict_get_item(filedata, "DataHash");
- if (!node || (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_DATA)) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: Could not get DataHash for file entry '%s'\n", hash);
- plist_free(mdinfo);
- free(datapath);
- return 0;
- }
- node = plist_dict_get_item(mdinfo, "Metadata");
- if (!node && (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_DATA)) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: Could not find Metadata in plist '%s.mdinfo'\n", hash);
- plist_free(mdinfo);
- free(datapath);
- return 0;
- }
- char *meta_bin = NULL;
- uint64_t meta_bin_size = 0;
- plist_get_data_val(node, &meta_bin, &meta_bin_size);
- plist_t metadata = NULL;
- if (meta_bin) {
- plist_from_bin(meta_bin, (uint32_t)meta_bin_size, &metadata);
- }
- if (!metadata) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: Could not get Metadata from plist '%s.mdinfo'\n", hash);
- plist_free(mdinfo);
- free(datapath);
- return 0;
- }
- char *version = NULL;
- node = plist_dict_get_item(metadata, "Version");
- if (node && (plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_STRING)) {
- plist_get_string_val(node, &version);
- }
- char *destpath = NULL;
- node = plist_dict_get_item(metadata, "Path");
- if (node && (plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_STRING)) {
- plist_get_string_val(node, &destpath);
- }
- uint8_t greylist = 0;
- node = plist_dict_get_item(metadata, "Greylist");
- if (node && (plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_BOOLEAN)) {
- plist_get_bool_val(node, &greylist);
- }
- char *domain = NULL;
- node = plist_dict_get_item(metadata, "Domain");
- if (node && (plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_STRING)) {
- plist_get_string_val(node, &domain);
- }
- char *fnstr = malloc(strlen(domain) + 1 + strlen(destpath) + 1);
- strcpy(fnstr, domain);
- strcat(fnstr, "-");
- strcat(fnstr, destpath);
- unsigned char fnhash[20];
- char fnamehash[41];
- char *p = fnamehash;
- sha1_of_data(fnstr, strlen(fnstr), fnhash);
- free(fnstr);
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 20; i++, p += 2 ) {
- snprintf (p, 3, "%02x", (unsigned char)fnhash[i] );
- }
- if (strcmp(fnamehash, hash)) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("WARNING: filename hash does not match for entry '%s'\n", hash);
- }
- char *auth_version = NULL;
- node = plist_dict_get_item(mdinfo, "AuthVersion");
- if (node && (plist_get_node_type(node) == PLIST_STRING)) {
- plist_get_string_val(node, &auth_version);
- }
- if (strcmp(auth_version, "1.0")) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("WARNING: Unknown AuthVersion '%s', DataHash cannot be verified!\n", auth_version);
- }
- node = plist_dict_get_item(filedata, "DataHash");
- if (!node || (plist_get_node_type(node) != PLIST_DATA)) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("WARNING: Could not get DataHash key from file info data for entry '%s'\n", hash);
- }
- int res = 1;
- unsigned char *data_hash = NULL;
- uint64_t data_hash_len = 0;
- plist_get_data_val(node, (char**)&data_hash, &data_hash_len);
- int hash_ok = 0;
- if (data_hash && (data_hash_len == 20)) {
- compute_datahash(datapath, destpath, greylist, domain, NULL, version, file_hash);
- hash_ok = compare_hash(data_hash, file_hash, 20);
- } else if (data_hash_len == 0) {
- /* no datahash present */
- hash_ok = 1;
- }
- g_free(domain);
- g_free(version);
- g_free(destpath);
- if (!hash_ok) {
- printf("\r\n");
- printf("ERROR: The hash for '%s.mddata' does not match DataHash entry in Manifest\n", hash);
- printf("datahash: ");
- print_hash(data_hash, 20);
- printf("\nfilehash: ");
- print_hash(file_hash, 20);
- printf("\n");
- res = 0;
- }
- g_free(data_hash);
- plist_free(mdinfo);
- return res;
static void do_post_notification(const char *notification)
uint16_t nport = 0;
@@ -1263,16 +976,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int is_full_backup = 0;
char *backup_directory = NULL;
struct stat st;
- //plist_t node = NULL;
plist_t node_tmp = NULL;
- //plist_t manifest_plist = NULL;
plist_t info_plist = NULL;
- //char *buffer = NULL;
- //char *file_path = NULL;
- //uint64_t length = 0;
- //uint64_t backup_total_size = 0;
- //enum device_link_file_status_t file_status = DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_NONE;
-// uint64_t c = 0;
mobilebackup2_error_t err;
/* we need to exit cleanly on running backups and restores or we cause havok */
@@ -1506,20 +1211,7 @@ checkpoint:
/* TODO: check domain key RequiresEncrypt and WillEncrypt with lockdown */
/* TODO: verify battery on AC enough battery remaining */
- /* read the last Manifest.plist */
- /*
- if (!is_full_backup) {
- printf("Reading existing Manifest.\n");
- plist_read_from_filename(&manifest_plist, manifest_path);
- if (!manifest_plist) {
- printf("Could not read Manifest.plist, switching to full backup mode.\n");
- is_full_backup = 1;
- }
- }*/
- /* Info.plist (Device infos, IC-Info.sidb, photos, app_ids, iTunesPrefs) */
- /* re-create Info.plist */
+ /* re-create Info.plist (Device infos, IC-Info.sidb, photos, app_ids, iTunesPrefs) */
if (info_plist) {
info_plist = NULL;
@@ -1532,9 +1224,6 @@ checkpoint:
info_plist = NULL;
- /* create Status.plist with failed status for now */
- //mobilebackup_write_status(backup_directory, 0);
/* request backup from device with manifest from last backup */
printf("Requesting backup from device...\n");
@@ -1613,20 +1302,8 @@ checkpoint:
int backup_ok = 0;
plist_t message = NULL;
- /* TODO receive and save DLSendFile files and metadata, ACK each */
char *dlmsg = NULL;
- /*uint64_t file_size = 0;
- uint64_t file_size_current = 0;*/
int file_count = 0;
- /*int hunk_index = 0;
- uint64_t backup_real_size = 0;
- char *file_ext = NULL;
- char *filename_mdinfo = NULL;
- char *filename_mddata = NULL;
- char *filename_source = NULL;
- char *format_size = NULL;
- gboolean is_manifest = FALSE;
- uint8_t b = 0;*/
int errcode = 0;
const char *errdesc = NULL;
@@ -1643,8 +1320,6 @@ checkpoint:
goto files_out;
- //node = plist_array_get_item(message, 0);
if (!strcmp(dlmsg, "DLMessageDownloadFiles")) {
/* device wants to download files from the computer */
handle_send_files(message, backup_directory);
@@ -1805,149 +1480,10 @@ checkpoint:
-#if 0
- /* get out if we don't get a DLSendFile */
- if (plist_strcmp(node, "DLSendFile"))
- break;
- node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 2);
- /* first message hunk contains total backup size */
- if ((hunk_index == 0) && (file_index == 0)) {
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupTotalSizeKey");
- if (node) {
- plist_get_uint_val(node, &backup_total_size);
- format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_total_size);
- printf("Backup data requires %s on the disk.\n", format_size);
- g_free(format_size);
- }
- }
- /* check DLFileStatusKey (codes: 1 = Hunk, 2 = Last Hunk) */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileStatusKey");
- plist_get_uint_val(node, &c);
- file_status = c;
- /* get source filename */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupManifestKey");
- b = 0;
- if (node) {
- plist_get_bool_val(node, &b);
- }
- is_manifest = (b == 1) ? TRUE: FALSE;
- if ((hunk_index == 0) && (!is_manifest)) {
- /* get source filename */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileSource");
- plist_get_string_val(node, &filename_source);
- /* increase received size */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileAttributesKey");
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node, "FileSize");
- plist_get_uint_val(node, &file_size);
- backup_real_size += file_size;
- format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_real_size);
- printf("(%s", format_size);
- g_free(format_size);
- format_size = g_format_size_for_display(backup_total_size);
- printf("/%s): ", format_size);
- g_free(format_size);
- format_size = g_format_size_for_display(file_size);
- printf("Receiving file %s (%s)... \n", filename_source, format_size);
- g_free(format_size);
- if (filename_source)
- free(filename_source);
- }
- /* check if we completed a file */
- if ((file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) && (!is_manifest)) {
- /* save <hash>.mdinfo */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo");
- if (node) {
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileDest");
- plist_get_string_val(node, &file_path);
- filename_mdinfo = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, file_path, ".mdinfo");
- /* remove any existing file */
- if (stat(filename_mdinfo, &st) == 0)
- remove(filename_mdinfo);
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo");
- plist_write_to_filename(node, filename_mdinfo, PLIST_FORMAT_BINARY);
- g_free(filename_mdinfo);
- }
- file_index++;
- }
- /* save <hash>.mddata */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFileInfo");
- if (node_tmp) {
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "DLFileDest");
- plist_get_string_val(node, &file_path);
- filename_mddata = mobilebackup_build_path(backup_directory, file_path, is_manifest ? NULL: ".mddata");
- /* if this is the first hunk, remove any existing file */
- if ((hunk_index == 0) && (stat(filename_mddata, &st) == 0))
- remove(filename_mddata);
- /* get file data hunk */
- node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1);
- plist_get_data_val(node_tmp, &buffer, &length);
- buffer_write_to_filename(filename_mddata, buffer, length);
- if (!is_manifest)
- file_size_current += length;
- /* activate currently sent manifest */
- if ((file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) && (is_manifest)) {
- rename(filename_mddata, manifest_path);
- }
- free(buffer);
- buffer = NULL;
- g_free(filename_mddata);
- }
- if ((!is_manifest)) {
- if (hunk_index == 0 && file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) {
- print_progress(100);
- } else {
- if (file_size > 0)
- print_progress((double)((file_size_current*100)/file_size));
- }
- }
- hunk_index++;
- if (file_ext)
- free(file_ext);
if (message)
message = NULL;
-#if 0
- if (file_status == DEVICE_LINK_FILE_STATUS_LAST_HUNK) {
- /* acknowlegdge that we received the file */
- mobilebackup_send_backup_file_received(mobilebackup);
- /* reset hunk_index */
- hunk_index = 0;
- if (!is_manifest) {
- file_size_current = 0;
- file_size = 0;
- }
- }
if (quit_flag > 0) {
/* need to cancel the backup here */
@@ -1962,42 +1498,6 @@ files_out:
} while (1);
-#if 0
- if (!quit_flag && !plist_strcmp(node, "DLMessageProcessMessage")) {
- node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1);
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupMessageTypeKey");
- /* check if we received the final "backup finished" message */
- if (node && !plist_strcmp(node, "BackupMessageBackupFinished")) {
- /* backup finished */
- /* process BackupFilesToDeleteKey */
- node = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupFilesToDeleteKey");
- if (node) {
- length = plist_array_get_size(node);
- i = 0;
- while ((node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(node, i++)) != NULL) {
- plist_get_string_val(node_tmp, &file_path);
- if (mobilebackup_delete_backup_file_by_hash(backup_directory, file_path)) {
- printf("DONE\n");
- } else
- printf("FAILED\n");
- }
- }
- /* save last valid Manifest.plist */
- node_tmp = plist_array_get_item(message, 1);
- manifest_plist = plist_dict_get_item(node_tmp, "BackupManifestKey");
- if (manifest_plist) {
- remove(manifest_path);
- printf("Storing Manifest.plist...\n");
- plist_write_to_filename(manifest_plist, manifest_path, PLIST_FORMAT_XML);
- }
- backup_ok = 1;
- }
- }
if (cmd == CMD_BACKUP) {
printf("Received %d files from device.\n", file_count);
if (mobilebackup_status_check_snapshot_state(backup_directory, uuid, "finished")) {